Like Jan, I got my Scoutcar done just in the nick of time. Quick run down on the last two days of building: I spraypainted a desert sand basecoat, applied a medium brown wash to darken things up a bit, and brush painted the black camo patches as well as the details such as the lights. Tires are basecoated in black and drybrushed with charcoal. I liked how they came out, so I did a similar highlight on the black camo (not sure if it's really visible in the pictures. After spaying some glosscote, I applied the decals; they were a pain to apply, as some were almost too big for the area where they were supposed to go.
The commander fig was painted, washed, and highlighted as well. The casting isn't the greatest, but he didn't come out too bad.
Antennas are hairs from an old paint brush. I may replace the taller one of the too as it's not as straight as I'd like it to be.
All in all, this has been a great campaign. Thanks for hosting it; there were some really great builds!!
Finally, some pictures (also already uploaded in the campaign gallery):