Back to blogging.
Been busy week, have not managed to be super constructive with my time and am falling behind again. I have definitely lost momentum with the build and will take some effort to get it back again - still waiting on the same deliveries from overseas - I am mega annoyed at these delays.
Anyways. SOmething that will definitely expose my achillies heel - my absolute weekness is figures. Here are the pictures of where I am at with them. there is some work to go - one or two figures are missing hands and I forgot to paint some details but the majority of work is done. If ever there was opportunity to rattle my chain about quality of work this is it.
Anyways heres the cast and crew photo.

heres the "traditional" guys and probably the better figures.

another view

here are the women and child - the black is very hard to paint and they are likely to get a recoat and do it again treatment... but need to dulcoat them better aswell.

the standing guys - the guy on the mobile I really tried hard to look like his eyes were closed concentrating on the phone call over the din of the vehicles driving by. The robed guy i nicknamed "al queda", and the last guy is a modified MIG arab tanker with a new head - heads ok but the clothes are too dark i think, these figures are barely passable

the workmen - these 3 guys will be on the scaffold and they all have their backs to the audience and their faces to the wall...

the fronts anyways..

the squatters - around the diorama there will be clusters of people with some squattinga nd reading newspapers in a group or the one on the right - a beggar. the left figure is on the verge of being cut - i really hate everything about him but need the pose.

another view

the running children
heavily converted figures with new bare feet and legs on each plus new shirts replacing european schoolboy uniform, and adding trousers to one, and a hat.

the guys who didnt make it.

So the lighting in the room is really bad so everyone looks a shade darker than they should be. the wall being is of white and the shelf is white so that tells how much shadow there is. I still have some work , but basically figures are done just need fixing the realy bad stuff and forgotten stuff. Then i can paint the soldiers...
but I thought I'd offer a scorecard for each figure.

I'll give each figure a letter to identify and then three scores out of 10 - first iS for the face, and second is for the body/clothes, the third score will be the quality of the figure ( some of them are really bad castings and it shows in the paintwork) , also in brackets will add the manufacturer where the majority of the figure is from them.
A 6 5 5 (mig arab tankers set)
B 7 7 8 (Verlinden arab street curiosity)
C 5 6 6 (Firestorm )
D 6 7 8 (verlinden the bad ones)
E 8 7 8 (verlinden arab street anger)
F 7 6 8 (verlinden arab street curiosity)
G 7 5 5 (Kirin scud crew - verlinden head - warriors arms)
H 7 8 8 (verlinden arab street curiosity - verlinden bare head)
I 7 8 8 (verlinden arab street anger - modified)
J 3 4 - (unknown ebay old farmer woman with basket-modified )
K 6 5 7 (verlinden arab woman with child)
L 6 7 6 (firestorm - protestor - this face was miscast with no detail on one side)
M 7 6 - (ebay purchase running children - heavily modified)
N 6 7 8 (verlinden arab woman with child)
O 7 6 - (ebay purchase running children - heavily modified)
P 5 6 7 (verlinden the bad ones- plus new head - modified)
Q 7 7 8 (warriors iraqi insurgents set 2)
R 7 7 7 (verlinden iraqi prisoner - new arms and verlinden bare head)
S 3 2 - (mish mash from the spares box, verlinden bare head - bad)
T 6 8 8 (Firestorm protestor - modified)
Hope that all makes sense. So i tried to honestly score them as I would as a judge in a comp. My average figure score has always been around 5 /10 and from that list I reckon I average 6.5 - 7/10 so a 2 point improvement is at least better than none. When i compare these figs to others I have done, they are certainly on par or better so that moderates well.
They were difficult because not only did I have to scrape the barrel to find civillians suitable for modern iraq, but I had to compromise on quality at times in the molds/ casts due to lack of range to chose from. 4 figures still unpainted and maybe if I need them I will reinlist their services.
SO thats an update - this marks a milestone for me because now I should be starting to focus on the vehicles. As soon as my parcels from overseas arrive I can complete the street with wiring and other elements..
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
PS I still HATE painting figures. And I missed a standing figure witha white shirt holding a little notebook. I cant believe I forgot him...