I have been very very sick this week and still am suffering from the effects of a virus (something akin to malaria! - Ross river virus) a mosquitoe born viral infection that causes fever and chills alternatively, and aches and pains with lack of energy. I only say this because it has destroyed this weeks plans of model building completely. I have been able to tinker at the edges so to speak and this morning is first morning I been able to sort of do anything value adding to the project.
So heres some updates.
The MIG productions street lamps have always in my opinion been too short, so I added an extra length to extend them by over 30%. Now the lights are at least above building level.

Another thing I have been slowly working on is painting the street again. this is very very difficult to get the colours right as asphalt is charcoal grey but the streets are saturated with dust that is anything from light grey to sand, and there is building dust included, and have to remember shadows and preshading for effects. either way its a work in progress. I also started putting the gutter rubble in the street as that cant be painted afterwards. some painting to go but this is where I am at.

None of the buildings are glued down yet. so cant put rubble up against the walls yet - but that's ok because wall rubble will be a slightly different colour anyways ( building colour not street color.)
I need to build the wood frame this weekend. I am not a carpenter so might prey to JC for some insight.
I have been using alot of accesories on this build. ALot. some have been crap. some have just been amazing. Here is a very quick review of some of the most brilliant things I have used yet.
these guys are my second favourite all time resin aftermarket producers, and my top diorama accesory aftermarket producers. They only have a medium small range, and only a few things suitable for me to use, but everything I bought, when I got it, I immeadiately ordered a second set!
The prices are very sensible. Postage is just outrageously cheap! I got charged 50 cents postage for a bag of resin parts and printed sheet from America to Australia air mail! I have seen ebay sellers trying to charge me almost $50 us dollars for the same thing.
The castings are extraordinarily clean with no apparent inclusions, no apparent bubbles, no apparent flash, no apparent warping, no apparent casting block! that last bit always impresses me when the manufacturer has taken the time to design the casting to be sans block or so small that sandpaper removes it and no need for razor saw.
Heres what I bought
North African street scene accesories. I have two sets so there are double wicker baskets show, you only get 3 baskets, 4 pots and the square brick thingy. The pots are fantastic because they have that middle eastern shape and are small. they are smaller than the Verlinden ones , much smaller which is good. had I known of these before I did the shop, I would of exclusively used them instead of the western jars. The square wicker baskets are also a perfect acceseory for this dio.

woven mats/ carpets
another fabulous street accesory. I have again pictured two sets, the first set I got I have started to paint, the second set is still raw, but i have not touched so you can see there is no casting block to remove! under one of my buildings these will line a wall... perfectly cast.

Moroccan street signage
it has arabic writing on it so I bought it. I am trying to collect every single printed thing like this. but this was a surprise. It is printed on a piece of gloss photo film and is exquisite. printed at the highest resolution it is virtually photo quality and certainly as far removed from laser printer/ scanned rubbish I have bought from others in the past. Oh yeah the best bit. It costs $2. Some other manufacturers should wake up to the smaller guys who are embarassing them.

Also I bought a beach umbrella, but it will be unsuitable for my dio. But once again this paper and card construction looks fantastic. and several of these would make a great market street scene work well. downside is when viweing from above it blocks the view and I want people to see so will forgoe the reality of an umbrella...

i highly reccomment buying products from Monroe Perdue studios if everything is as good as this.
I am not going to go on too much about this pro company. Just to say I got my very first set from them and am very please. perfect quality. no bubbles, no warping, small casting blocks etc. downside I think they are pricey, but I guess I will always pay for quality. I bought the modern canisters and drum set. here it is on my porcupine being painted. highly reccommend this purchse.

Now a bit of a technical update to the blog.
heres a very quick technique i tested while painting the pro art containers. the yellow 20 litre plastic drums i painted with tamiya "yellow" acrylic and boy did they look plastic. they are supposed to be and if you have seen these in real before they are quite translucent. SO i decided to test that translucent appearance by preshading.
First i will only do the two at the ends ( I paint most stuff on the sprue like this so it all gets the same treatment) the key below explains the picture
A - the 5 tubs in their natural yellow. I have added a brown wash but its not really visible on the sides.
B - masked off the middle three, and then masked off the liquid level inside the end two, at different heights.
C - sprayed the drums black acrylic
D - removed the masking of the end two so you can see the black preshade level where the liquid inside might be
E - respray the base yellow over the top again - you can see a dark line there now
F - bad pic due to light in the background, but all tape removed shows the end two have a slightly more realistic appearance and a little more added detail.

What would look good if one was painted at an angle and the drum sitting tipped so the water line was horizontal..
Anwyas some updates for until later
I am supposed to be figure painting this week and havent started - just been filling gaps and removing seems...