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Hi Adam,
I admire your habit of research, many people tend to neglect checking the actual thing out for them self and instead follow the box art. If I may, there are some things that I would like to point out about the pictures (Starting from the top):
The third picture is not Iraq it is probably another country in the gulf the people sitting on the floor are most probably from Pakistan, as that is their traditional clothing.
The 5th picture is also not Iraq the clothing and architecture of the building points to Pakistan or more likely Afghanistan.
The 9th picture is also not one of Iraqi rural kids but one of Afghani kids as depicted by their head dress and the house in the background.
Just thought you should take it into consideration. As depicted in the new master box set, Iraqi men usually wear modern clothing. I hope this will help you!
Hi again, yes you are correct - I think I correctly identified the last one as Aghan kids, and the others were always of question due to the websites I got them from not being specific either just plain being wrong. One of the problems with relying on others reseacrh I guess. Someone such as yourself is a valuable resource in helping correct these issues.
This highlights how specific regional clothing is traditional and diferent from one area to the next and one country to the next.. yet most of the figures are marketed as "middle east" or 'Arab". Some do have "Afghan" but you better believe they are specifically Afghan!
Once again, I find myself having to consider my options. There are not a multitude of modern civilian figures around, and certainly not enough to choose from which ones I want. I have literally purchased every single "middle east" "Arab" or similar figure I can find that is not specific Afghan ( i wont use the ones dedicated to that clothing - it is just not plausible and the photos dont support that mixed dress standard with Iraq culture). So that leaves me with what I have basically done. Modified what I can to best suit both the Accuracy of the era/location and the needs of Audience understanding. Also i have to use what is available to me on the day. Some announced Figures are not available as yet but sure would be nice to have.
Cheers for the corrections. As i said I have alot of reference pics and these were meant to highlight some of the frustrations of learning the differences, and then translating that into model form.
your opinions are most welcome Vlad , please keep them coming!
