Tuesdays, updates.
Im telling you I have knack for being distracted easily. I dont think I got more than 4 or 5 hours in today - so much for taking time off work to finish this..
Anyways, two main things for today - almost completely finished the construction site

and secondly started on refurbishing the vehicles ready for paint!
The construction site went ok, I added the buckets and the rope, some tools, and importantly, started to glue down figures. The Only things left to do in the construction yard are - fix tools to the workers hands; add some micro detailing and accesories ( waiting on mail order to arrive, again); add a 44 gallon drum with no lid and fill will water/resin. The empty bags I will park for now and do later as I think thats a job for the next few weeks rather than now, and the placement of the 44 gal drum will take priority so until i get that i dont want to have the bags tempting me to glue in place.
So heres some pictures of the construction site. LOL probably loks the same as yesterday. OH the vehicle is now glued down aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all 4 wheels touch the ground

The gutter with the glass magic resin water (sorry was supposed to post this yesterday)

I also have managed to stain and varnish the base, twice. One more coat and Im happy with it. Pictures dont do it justice but its not black its a very dark red brown.

ALso glued the two running figs in place - I put them there for a number of reasons but the two main ones are - when at the very front they drew too much attention and arent good enough quality to deserve such attention, and secondly, I want to do wet footprints from the gutter up to them as an effect.

The vehicles.. Will keep this very simple here. I have to choose whether to blog the vehicles on this blog or the vehicle specific build logs I did back in January.
For now I will simply do the basics here but the specifics on the vehicle logs.
So here is what I did- basically I added the "Boxes with no name" to the front of the lead vehicle. There was a problem with the third vehicle in to the convoy ( the pc) having the "boxes with no names" - that made no sense, in a patrol you need that vehicle up front! this problem arose from the original design of the diorama had the vehicles in a different sequence. As some have pointed out this oversight, I have had to address it. Fortuantely I had a spare "boxes with no names" sprue in the spares box.
Anyways here's some vehicle update pics.
"boxes with no names" fitted

and with the pc. I dont have a problem with more than 1 vehicle having the "boxes with no names" on in the patrol order. Anythings possible.

I will add several more detail shots to the build log specific to the vehicle over here
ASLAV with turret bar armour 2006 build log So tomorrow, will be a very slow day. Im taking the wife for a promised drive down the coast to go whale watching.

That will take care of the daylight hours. SO hopefully I get stuck in tomorrow night and continue pre spec the vehicles for paint. Fortunately the long drive will go past two model shops I never visit because they are way too far from my house, and will have to stop by for a nosey.
One last thing, the little fruit and veg market has been eliminated. Don't stress. It will return better than ever as there was a very significant design flaw that had been nagging me for a while and I finally found a solution, but it may take a week or two to accumulate the parts I need. If I had not found a solution I would of left it alone as no one had pointed it out, yet. So the diorama has only one major/ significant job left to do - the electrical work! I am tempted to leave this aswell until the groundworks are finished as once the streets rigging goes in place it could be a hazard trying to negotiate the spiderweb while fitting other parts.
thats my thought for the day...
EDIT: removed technical term for the boxes mounted on front of the vehicle, and replaced with generic "boxes with no name" label.