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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 08:02 AM UTC

Some very nice work and some interesting vehicles.

I'll probably start putting something together in a month or so. I had to learn some lessons the hard way during the EOD Campaign. At the moment I have a few old hulls gathering dust. I'm thinking a JagdAbrams, a Steampunk Panzer 4, or maybe a futuristic air defense system.
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 09:05 AM UTC
windysean Been playing with cars now for over 30 years ,,rebuilt my first engine when i was 8 ,,nothing flashy but had to start some where ..i've built 7 cars over the years fav was a 1974 XB Falcon panel van ( Aussie wagon) ended up with a 429 cid ,,stroked to 514 cid with a 8/71 blower ..1247 HP on the back wheels ..and this was before EFI so it was a real hand full to drive ,,in the wet ,,not a chance lol and one of the most thirsty vehicles i have ever driven and i used to drive 150 ton excavators ..but mate it was serious fun and now to the weather lol .. winter yes ,,making up its mind if it wants to be winter is another story ..its all over the place ,,like a super charged yo yo .. cold ,,not cold and so on ..plays havoc with the body ,,hence the cold now .. bugger !

Think i'm getting better and want to models to work on damn it
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 09:09 AM UTC
Sean (35th_scale) ..strange as this sounds but some friends and me were talking only a little while ago about building a real 6x6 hummer using an old military humvee as the bases for it .. got some mates in Australia who can hook us up with whats needed ,,,so i am going to be watching yours with great interest

Really want to see how it turns out
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Maine, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 12:17 PM UTC
just got here I'm afraid,boys,very afraid No reason not to start now!
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 02:53 PM UTC
Wow!! It's great to be back and able to see the photos I missed. Some really great work going for this campaign.

G: I really like the tile job and the camo seems a good choice for your locale. Have you considered some "replacement" tiles that got replaced after the initial paint job, hence different color, even blue or something...

John: the urban ambush paint scheme is too cool. the rest of the tank too.

Matt: I saw your car started in EOD. good to see it here. nice array of toys.

Duncan: the super panther is coming along well. looking forward to seeing it more.

Sean H: Go Brown! Looking great. There's some roads here that it could use well.

Phil: that's a mean looking weapon and platform. I like it a lot. can't wait to see the nose and tail angles fixed. I also look forward to your next build.

Sean M: nice stretch on the HUMVEE. Are you going to model each of the variations and leave them interchangeable? Could be cool.

JT: I know how you feel on the waiting. I just finally received a LAV I ordered 3 months ago for the wheeled vehicle campaign. fortunately I had a back up as that campaign end pretty soon. Can't wait to see what you do to the Dragon Wagon.

Happy Modelling, - zon
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 03:28 PM UTC
Well I guess I now qualify as mad, I have signed up and will scratch something together. I cannot decided if it should be on wheels, legs, or hover, anyway I have already picked out the main guns, twin 155mm that should do for a start.
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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 03:57 PM UTC
Zon, great minds truly think alike!

I had to put everything on hold for a few days, surgery went well, yet I'm going to be a bit "immobile".

I hadn't thought of blue yet, now I know that'll work. Blue will be just enought contrast from the norm.

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 04:38 PM UTC
Jt ... a what if M26 ? oh muma ...this is ether going to be very good or very bad but either way its gonna be very cool
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 04:38 PM UTC
Darren: sounds cool. Looking forward to twin 155's!!

G: Total Home Depot left-overs Also, I wish you a good recovery and lots of bench time

Happy Modelling, -zon
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 06:11 PM UTC
Phill: He's lucky that whatever he hit didn't slide up the hood/bonnet and into the car. I've seen that happen a few times with smaller cars that have low profile front ends.
Would have loved to have seen that Falcon, you wouldn't happen to have any pictures lying around would you? I've always had a soft spot for Aussie muscle, mostly Ford and Mopar. Wish they had sold that Slant Six Hemi Stateside.
And I hear ya about the wild weather swings. It's often like that here in Texas

Sean M: It's great to see some of your work here! I agree that the "buckle" is kind of odd. I doubt it would be a problem in rl, but if I were building the thing in 1:1 scale I would graft a couple of straight pieces in there.

Alex: Welcome aboard! We look forward to seeing what you have in the works

JT: Rockin!

Darren: Glad to see you here, and I think that I reached mad sometime late last year Twin 155's would look great on a hovertank!

G: Glad the surgery went well bud, take it easy and for a while and just enjoy everyone's smokin' progress. You'll be back to building in no time for sure
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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 06:45 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Jt ... a what if M26 ? oh muma ...this is ether going to be very good or very bad but either way its gonna be very cool

Oh heck yes!

Remember the M26 was sorely underpowered even with a 500hp Ford V8. So my humble what if suggestion, FWIW, is an engine up grade!

Thanks all! I will break out the Vallejo and a small brush as soon as I quit seeing double. Good meds LOL!

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 08:14 PM UTC
Wayne hows about this for a engine upgrade .. Merlin V12 air craft engine out of a Mustang or Spitfire ,,then you will be talking about a serious horse power upgrade lol at least 1700 hp
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 08:19 PM UTC
Jeremy i wish i had some pics of that machine ..was a long time ago now and I did loose alot of my things a few years back to a fire ..lucky it was in a store room so i didnt loose everything models died .

As for the youngins cars he hit a pole i think lol so all the damage was centered around the front of the car is ok ,,long way from sweet tho ,,just ok lol

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Kildare, Ireland
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 09:06 PM UTC

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Sean M: nice stretch on the HUMVEE. Are you going to model each of the variations and leave them interchangeable? Could be cool.

No, that's the fun bit'll have all the weapons on a single mount. I just haven't figured out how yet!

Phil, I thought I was mad but planning the same in 1:1 scale...I am in awe and look forward to seeing pics of the real thing. Maybe we could sell our plans to GM?

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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, June 27, 2011 - 10:08 PM UTC
Sean M .. trust me if i can get those buggers off their back sides they would run this world now so this 6x6 Hummer would go ahead for sure ..hell ya never know they might just do it ,,no point showing GM ..thye have stopped production on the Hummer now so no more this point anyway ,,haven't got a clue whats happening with the Humvee tho ..they could still be making them but with how strapped for cash our mates in the US are they might have put them on hold as well . but then again ya never know matey lol
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 04:51 AM UTC
Bummer Phill, at least you still have some stuff to play with

And if I understand correctly, GM sold the Hummer/Humvee to a Chinese company.
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Maine, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 05:05 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Jt ... a what if M26 ? oh muma ...this is ether going to be very good or very bad but either way its gonna be very cool

Oh heck yes!

Remember the M26 was sorely underpowered even with a 500hp Ford V8. So my humble what if suggestion, FWIW, is an engine up grade!

Thanks all! I will break out the Vallejo and a small brush as soon as I quit seeing double. Good meds LOL!


Gentlemen,if you go back in this thread to page 10 and check my back story all will become clear With a top speed of about 27-28 mph it could stand an engine upgrade!I have something in the works for that .Just need to work out the details
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California, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 05:56 AM UTC
I think I have collected the main components of the engine for my steam powered flame tank. Now I just have to discuss things with my "design team" (aka the tread heads and sci fi guys )at my club meeting on Saturday.
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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 08:22 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Jt ... a what if M26 ? oh muma ...this is ether going to be very good or very bad but either way its gonna be very cool

Oh heck yes!

Remember the M26 was sorely underpowered even with a 500hp Ford V8. So my humble what if suggestion, FWIW, is an engine up grade!

Thanks all! I will break out the Vallejo and a small brush as soon as I quit seeing double. Good meds LOL!


Gentlemen,if you go back in this thread to page 10 and check my back story all will become clear With a top speed of about 27-28 mph it could stand an engine upgrade!I have something in the works for that .Just need to work out the details

Gentlemen? You certainly using that tone with me are you?

Page 10 is like a long time ago. I'm old and cannot remember today's breakfast.

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Maine, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 08:53 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Jt ... a what if M26 ? oh muma ...this is ether going to be very good or very bad but either way its gonna be very cool

Oh heck yes!

Remember the M26 was sorely underpowered even with a 500hp Ford V8. So my humble what if suggestion, FWIW, is an engine up grade!

Thanks all! I will break out the Vallejo and a small brush as soon as I quit seeing double. Good meds LOL!


Gentlemen,if you go back in this thread to page 10 and check my back story all will become clear With a top speed of about 27-28 mph it could stand an engine upgrade!I have something in the works for that .Just need to work out the details

Gentlemen? You certainly using that tone with me are you?

Page 10 is like a long time ago. I'm old and cannot remember today's breakfast.


Wayne,I was just being polite Anyway for all the aged and infirm out there(is that better?) check the next post
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Maine, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 09:00 AM UTC

Quoted Text

......Here ya go.......Raining again.So heres the back story.Berlin,1945,late April-early May. The Battle of Berlin is winding down,Red Army Forces are closing in on the inner city.Based on "French Itel" they have located the Fuhrebunker,Hitlers last hiding place and on May 2nd ,the few people remaining in the bunker are captured.One of these prisners belongs to the 33rd Waffen Div.of the SS Charlemange(1st French)It is found out that He was the one that had provided the "French Intel".He was later let go.Little did the Russians know he was also a U.S. double agent.Opon hearing from their agent,the U.S. Military rushes to the site and joins Soviet Intelligence Operatives in a search of the bunker.Together they find many burned papers and documents along with the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun.They also stumble across a secret room that when opened reviels a vast tresure trove of ancient artifacts,almost all of them made of gold.The U.S. offers to contact Dr. Indiana Jones who has been helpfuf in the war effort(that ark of the covenent thing) to help with identifing these objects.The Russians take the offer,as they can use all the extra funding they can get.Dr. Jones is flown in from Libia where He was looking for hidden oil reserves(another story) and bigins looking through all the stuff.As He is doing so ,he notices a small crack in the rooms wall.Seeing that the walls of the bunker where 3 feet thick, He thought that was strange.Tapping the wall ,it sounds hollow.He calls for a pickaxe and strikes the wall,and it begins to crumble.Every one joins in tearing at the false wall.More treasure?countless millions?As the hole becomes larger,and the light to shine inside ,a small portion of what appears to be a tank tread can be seen.The wall is completely removed,and there it is,12 feet under ground,inside a room with 3 foot walls,the largest tank any of them has ever seen! It turns ou to be a Panther F.A model that has never seen the battlfield but was good enough for Hitlers Last Stand.The U.S. wants it ,the Russien want it ,they strike a deal.The Russians get 2/3 of all the gold,the U.S. gets the rest plus the tank.It will be taken to the U.S. and reverse engineered ,with the info to be shared.With great effort it is removed and loaded onto a M26 "Dragon Wagon".They MAKE IT fit.It is decided that 2 U.S. officers and 2 Russian officers will man the hauler to prevent any funny buisness on the way to Caen France to be shipped across the pond.It never gets to Caen............ Thats my story and I'm sticking to it. Of course you know ,I have to buy another kit to complete this scene.There is a method to my madness

........That was alot of work,I need to take a nap
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 10:21 AM UTC
Alll righty then ,,here it is again with the new front and rear angles changed as per Jeremy's order lol ,,

I quite like it now and with the wheels shields it finishes it off nicely

Drivers position all finished

The new rear end .. much better now with the engine grill

Front end



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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 10:26 AM UTC
Zon .. Ohhhhhh trust me matey on this think this one is a gooden ( it is of course lol ) ,,the next one is something all together way out there .. its been done before but not as a model ...on computer but never seen one in 1/35th ,,thats going to change as soon as i get all the bits together .. theres alot ,,;)