HISTORY BLURB: The 761st Tank Battalion was one of three African American tank battalions of WWII (along with the 784th and 758th tank battalions). Known as the "Black Panthers" they were attached to Patton's Third Army and committed to combat on November 7, 1944, fighting through France, Belgium, and Germany, ultimately becoming some of the first American units to link up with the Soviet Army in Austria. They fought not only against the Germans, but against the racism of a segregated US army within which most believed they could not (or would not) fight ably. The 761st went on to prove their valor in combat, ultimately earning the Presidential Unit Citation.
I wanted to represent the men of the 761st because it's a subject that is not often seen. For this project I'm going to be doing a simple 2-figure display using the following components:

For inspiration, I've selected this photo:

I'm going to try and keep this a simple assembly and paint job as the Alpine figures and Hornet heads are just gorgeous and should paint up very nicely. Although...I have been toying with the idea of arming the model on the left with a Thompson. It should only require a fairly simple right arm modification to hold the sling. However, the figure is so nice, I'd hate to botch the job and ruin the arm so we'll see.
I'm excited to get started working on these but unfortunately it will be a couple of weeks before I can do that as I'll be traveling out of town for a while. Until then, your comments are welcome!