Hi fellow model builders,
thanks for the positive words - certainly serves as moral support as this moves along!
This beast keeps getting bigger and bigger!
So far, more or less, so good. I've had a few headaches, but nothing that far out of the ordinary - the biggest challenge has to do with the nature of the front blade, relative to the frame.
As you'll see, the blade is attached both at the central frame, and from outriggers on each side. The outriggers though, project past the front wheels, which at this point, aren't done yet and won't be for a while. So, in effect, the blade was built in place, and it hung from the central frame - then, the outriggers temporarily placed. They slide on and off at the front and back pivot points...if that makes sense...? In any event, it was easier to write the description than to do the work!!!
Ok - here we go:

No, it's not a transformer, it's a sheepsfoot roller missing its "feet"!

The blade was a bit of a head scratcher - the back side is thicker styrene, then I cut curves into a series of ribs along one side of the thicker styrene, to set the pattern for the curve. Next, a sheet of thin styrene was glued down matching the curve -

You can see, while a clunky beast, there's actually quite a bit going on here - from the radiator grill to various grabs, and all sort of odd bits and pieces - the good news is they are generally symmetric - so, what goes on one side goes on the other - which, in a way, has forced me to pay attention to both sides, and I think has helped in keeping it square and more or less true - yes, there are a few misalignments, but nothing drastic -

The picture above illustrates the point I made above pretty well - lots of odd pieces times 2!...and you can see what I meant by "hanging" the blade from the frame. The side arms slide on and off so I can still attempt to get the wheels on - Yes - I've tested this out, and aside from some perilous bending of glued in place hydraulics, it seems to work fine. Remind me of that when it's all painted up and I need to install the wheels!!!
As for the dio - I'm doing a redesign. While I was pretty close in guestimating the tractor footprint(s), I was off the mark in terms of estimating their "presence" -these things are big! and each tractor has a lot going on visually - so, they each need "room" just to sit and not look crowded -
Next, our Armorama associate Brian, whose been nice enough to give me some insight on what really goes on in the world of road building in Afghanistan, and I've concluded this layout won't get an HMMWV for sentry, and will get an MATV - which, as some of you have seen, I like to build anyway, but, that adds one more big truck -
Also, my great idea of a fleet service truck - turns out to be a bit off too....in reality, that role is served by either MRAP wreckers (which I think I'll build for another project! - they just look cool) or HEMMTs - both of which are also huge...so, no service truck, but I will give a go at converting the armored M1083 in to a dump truck -
In regard to the sheepsfoot roller "feet", apparently officially called "cushions", our very own Matt has decided to tackle the challenge - he's made up an autocad version of the cushions and will get them 3d printed, then make resin pieces for installation! how's that for cool! he just volunteered and emailed me a jpeg of his idea! right on! I like this approach much better than the alternative making up hundreds of little styrene nuggets to look right - thanks Matt!
Sheesh - this is almost becoming a group build!, in addition, I've been in touch with a certain European model builder, who I'll call "Romain", who has been offering some great thoughts on the layout and what I'm actually showing in the dio - keeping it real that is, and not my vague interpretation of what the "place" may (uhh, err, or may not)look like!
So - thanks guys!
As for the next steps, I'll finish this roller up, but there will be some down time while the "cushions" are addressed. In the meantime, I might get going on the base - I even with the vehicle changes, I still want some topo, and buildings - I'm not as sure about the wadi - I might just be out of room for it all -
thanks for checking it out!