amoz02t, thank you for your order! Set SPM-35-001 now available, corrected and loaded into a workable version. Sorry for the delay, but when I was loaded the first file, checker showed no problems.
The Shapeways has good feedback, I was informed about the problem and they shows me a portion of the model for the correctives:
Given the nature of 3D printing, every now and then we catch designs that are too fragile to create in certain materials. Though we do our best to identify these issues as early as possible, some are only found during the manufacturing process.
I try to take model ideally, but the technique is sometimes "speaks" it can not be printed, make the most thickness

In any case, all possible an amendments I'm will be makes in the short terms.
rogerjo1, I'll takes in the plans of remote controlled search lights, my mail I wrote to you. If anyone can tell the size of the basic range of that lights, it will be nice.
Kubisz, Humvees is my favorite theme. If the existing models for the conversions will be in demand, then I will continue the theme Humvee. Models M1165 GMV-M (MARSOC) and M1165 GMV-N (Navy Seals) can be built on the basis of sets of Bronco.
Henkp, also engines, if the direction will be successful, then why not.
Mario, before starting the project, I studied the question of success of this type of manufacturing such a 3D printing on Shapeways. Until recently the Shapeways was make 3D printing from material Frosted Detail Plastics, with a sufficiently large thickness of layer. The result was good, but not too good. However, many modelers ordered parts for vehicles, tanks and other. But the technology is evolving and now available print materials Frosted Ultra Detail with 29 micron layers and Frosted Extreme Detail (more expensive) uses a 16 micron layer height to produce incredibly fine features.
The question of preparation 3D printed parts for painting was discussed in one of the topics: an interesting review of the project ETS35, all your wishes about the models, I take note of, but just can not do that all together, but I try it step by step