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Your photos prove nothing.
Those are later war PzIV's, the Panzertruppen are clearly wearing black uniforms. The second photo shows, what appears to be US troops inspecting a PzII.
As far as the gray/brown scheme, the vehicle would be painted 2/3 gray, 1/3 dark brown not the mustard color used.
Just keep on doing what you want, your followers will stay true.
The Panzer troops in the photo are definitely wearing a mixture of uniforms, likely in 1943 or 44, proving a point he made earlier, and the Pz II is definitely painted in a different scheme than the 2/3 gray and 1/3 dark brown you mention--I wonder what book that came from. The colors in the photo are probably anything they could find, including mud. But I suspect the Pz II photo is from N. Africa circa late 1942 or 1943 or from Sicily in 1943--times they were on the ropes and used what was at hand. Yes, I'm a follower of Doug's for the artistic element, and not a rivet counter, as too many rivets often make a dull boy intractable!
Again, he's not trying to depict an exact time or place, but more of a generalized "Blitzkrieg" story at any time or place. Something Shep Paine was incredibly good at.
VR, Russ
Not that I believe in any way that Doug needs someone to come to his defence, or even that there would be a need for a defence, but....
Wayne, I too, even with my limited military experience, can clearly see in Doug's first photo that all of the troops are panzer crewmen. They're all wearing the black coloured caps, of various styles, that denote their affiliation with the panzer corps.
I personally am not a "rivet counter", and while I try to make things "look" as real as I can, I don't ever force it upon my fellow modelling brethren.
To each his own, if you don't like it, don't look... sorry if I sound uncanadian, I'm currently unemployed, and at the end of a bad flu...
Keep it coming Doug! I love your work.