Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 07:13 AM UTC
Progress on my Stuka.

England - North, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 12:47 PM UTC
Great paint Linus
The splinter camo is really crisp
Very well done
Steve H

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Posted: Sunday, March 04, 2018 - 08:49 AM UTC
Started to build my entry, Classic Airframes 1/48 Savoia-Mirchetti S.79

California, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:29 AM UTC
Steve - Your Breda conversion is really look great. I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks under some paint and with the figures completed.
Vintage Paul
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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:34 AM UTC
Matthew - I love the magnificent ugliness of your Schneider. Its making me want to drag my own kit out and build it rather than letting it sit. The Aber MGs were a hit but there is no denying that they improve the overall look and I'll bet many sets of eyes will be feasting on this model wherever it is displayed.
Vintage Paul
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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:40 AM UTC
Phil - Still plenty of time to build your HS-226. I have not seen the Airfix kit and will look forward to seeing how it comes out.
Vintage Paul
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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:42 AM UTC
Linus - Great work on the Stuka. The markings really bring it to life.
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .

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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:45 AM UTC
Lap Man - How is the Classic Airframes kit? I had a Trumpeter version some years ago and swapped it to a pal for something else. I love the plane but the kit didn't look right to my eyes. CA kits can sometimes require "modeling skills."
Vintage Paul
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Posted: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 - 06:49 AM UTC
I'm glad to see some progress being made on the SCW builds. My own Bt-5 is stuck right where I left it when the weather cooled enough to make working on cars & motorcycles outside fun. I'm feeling a bit guilty about the lack of progress. The cool weather will not last forever and then it will be back to models.
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .
Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 - 12:30 PM UTC
Hi All
Have completed my Ju-87

Am looking forward to seeing that S.79
Warszawa, Poland
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Posted: Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 06:45 PM UTC
Spanish Civil War is also a favorite topic of mine, so please count me in.
I'm going to build Carro Breda.
Here are my starting photos:

And some additional stuff. The Breda turret from MasterBox, decals from Bison and Aber's barrel. The Eduard's PE set is dedicated for rather poor quality MasterBox Pz.I and it might be useless for Tristar's model. We will see...

I think, I will soon start building simultaneously Panzer I ohne Aufbau for the Interior campaign, so I will probably steal few PE parts from that model.
And the most important thing - I also have THE BOOK.
(and I read it)

@Steve. How you made your barrel? Is is glued or soldered?

The main part of the barrel seems to be made from aluminium. So the aiming device is probably glued to it. Is there a risk that it may fall apart?
England - North, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 08:34 PM UTC
Hi Marek,
Absolutely right aluminium barrel, and brass sight, so I filed the barrel flat enough to get as big a glue surface as possible, once I had got the sight line up correctly, though it might be a little tall.
I used a thick superglue rather than a thin watery one.
Have fun with the build and the other build too, Panzer I Ohne Aufbau sounds cool too.
I have 3 in the stash, 2 under construction, which is a sore point, as I started with a full Brass interior, but at the time didn't have the soldering skills, so it got shelved along with kit bash of a Pz IB into the driver trainer too, along with the bigger engine as a full open engine bay comparison between the Pz IA and Pz IB.
Enjoy the builds
Steve H
Wellington, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 11:54 PM UTC
Hi, I've only just found this campaign as I usually hang out over at Aeroscale. I started a Rata a month ago, so while I don't have a cold start photo, I do have a luke warm start photo. Hopefully that won't be a problem?
IMG_1945 by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
Start date by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
IMG_1989 by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 04:02 AM UTC
G’d evenin’ all.
Linus, the Stuka looks ace!
Meanwhile, I have no progress to report on the Schneider CA1, but I have been busy cobbling together my Republican tank crew with body parts and stuff from the scrap box.
These guys are real Frankenstein jobs and still need a little fine-tuning to make them right.
Here ares some pics….

They may appear in Madrid cobble street mini-dio with cafe furniture. Possibly, if I can manage my time.
PS sorry for crap picture quality.
Wellington, New Zealand
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Posted: Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 04:40 AM UTC
Matthew, keen to see how these turn out, figures do my head in, but conversely I enjoy seeing others work.
Kinda cross posting here, but some progress on the Mosca.
IMG_2007 by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
IMG_2012 by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
I-16 rudder painting by
Spud Moulder, on Flickr
Warszawa, Poland
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Posted: Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 08:07 PM UTC
I would like to do my Pz. I with the open hatches. The hatches are small and it will be difficult to see anything inside, so there is no need for upgrading the kit's interior. The lower hull is ready and primed. The gearbox will be painted separately and glued later.

@Steve. Thank you for all the information. Funny thing - my Pz. I Ohne Aufbau will be also richly equipped with PE parts. And I also don't have the skill to solder it all, but I will try.
@Willard79. I love your plane. I made only one airplane in my whole life and it was I-16. And of course it was one from the SCW.

I'm looking forward to seeing your model ready.
Wellington, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 11:58 PM UTC
Quoted Text
@Willard79. I love your plane. I made only one airplane in my whole life and it was I-16. And of course it was one from the SCW.
Hi Marek, nice looking bird. Can I ask what paint brand and color you used for the top and underside? I'm assuming it's an Eduard kit, so did you just follow the paint guide?
The reason I ask is I'm just testing some different shades now to get the look I'm after, I'm probably going to go lighter than the kit instruction say.
Warszawa, Poland
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Posted: Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 01:34 AM UTC
We are going slightly off-topic

You are right, it's Eduard weekend edition kit (I-16 type 10). I made this plane a few years ago and I only remembered that the violet for the rudder was from Lifecolor.
But luckily I managed to find this photo. I really don't remember if any of those paints were mentioned in the instruction.

So green is Model Master 4807 Russian Armor Green and Blue is RLM65 from Pactra.

I think that my green is too dark after all washes. BTW, yours seatbelts look much better than those provided on my model.

As I remember correctly, you have three Ratas in working condition in New Zealand. How lucky you are!
Wellington, New Zealand
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Posted: Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 12:50 PM UTC
Thanks Marek, appreciated.
I can make out RLM 65 which is one of the shades I'm playing with. I assume the Lager is applied at the end of the build process?
Yes we do have some Ratas sitting around somewhere but I couldn't tell you where they are at the moment. Probably Wanaka.
thanks again

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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 04:49 AM UTC
Linus - Looking good on the Stuka. The markings really look good on it.
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .

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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 04:52 AM UTC
Welcome aboard RivetCounter! I have the same book and have so far found it to be very good. Beevor goes into the origins of the war, very interesting!
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .

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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 04:56 AM UTC
Spud - welcome aboard with your Rata. I do not have a problem with a somewhat less than cold start at this point. Please build away!
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .

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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 05:00 AM UTC
Matthew, your pictures were WAY above average, better than I can get out of my elderly little snappy camera. Your figures are looking very good also. Figures require some real modeling skills to make them look convincing. Most of us don't even try . . .
Vintage Paul
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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 05:09 AM UTC
I finally got a bit of work done on the stalled BT-5 project. I had assembled the AM PE wire mesh screen for the aft deck and it did not come out as well as I hoped it might. After a bit more work I decided to use it anyway, it is better than the kit part. With the PE screen there is a yawning gap which I filled with a couple of cooling shutters made out of spare PE sheet. The pictures I could find showed only the barest hint so I took a swag and it will at least show something in the area.
Pictures soon!
Vintage Paul
I'd happily live in the past but for air conditioning, the internet, mobile phones, modern medicine & dentistry and, and, and . . .
England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 05:59 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I finally got a bit of work done on the stalled BT-5 project. I had assembled the AM PE wire mesh screen for the aft deck and it did not come out as well as I hoped it might. After a bit more work I decided to use it anyway, it is better than the kit part. With the PE screen there is a yawning gap which I filled with a couple of cooling shutters made out of spare PE sheet. The pictures I could find showed only the barest hint so I took a swag and it will at least show something in the area.
Pictures soon!
Loving the progress here! Hudson this may be of interest, I recently completed a BT5 with the same upgrades as you.
https://scwsig.wordpress.com/2018/02/23/italeri-zvezda-1-35-soviet-bt5-republican-forces-1938/Just FYI I have since been told by MANY people that the Republican tanks did not have the turret markings, I have found no definitive proof but if were thinking of doing that apparently it did not happen!