Okay time to put some pictures where my mouth is. Progress on the Otter.
I have deviated from the build instructions somewhat as they tell you to keep the chassis and the hull separate until the very end, I didn't. Same for adding all the interior components to their locations, then assemble the hull..... I prefer to paint the separate components and add later, as gluing the hull sections together then having to repaint joins can be irksome.
In this pic you will see fender joins. IBG have an unusual way to add the fenders. They have part moulded on the hull, which you have to match the other fender part up to. Result a join line to fill.. stowage boxes cover the top of 2 fenders, but not the sides or the other 2.
A closer pic of the fender join. The fenders are also missing quite a few screw heads.
The selection of bibs and bobs, mostly ready for paint. IBG give you an extra parts - spare wheel, 6 spare Lee Enfield rifles, 2 extra canteens and 12 spare wheels with Tyres of other dimensions and a whole clear styrene sprue with windows meant for other kits - none are used here!
Turret 'bucket' has had a weld seam added and the walls and the front flanges have been thinned quite a bit, overly thick otherwise. Similarly the fenders have been thinned too. They are bevelled to make them look thin, but the edge on the bevel needs to be steeper so it is not visible.