Hi all,
Some great builds in this campaign! My own entry is a little late, but hopefully of interest - it's the Canadian AA tank, the M4 Skink! That's a cast-hull Sherman tank with a funky four-barrel turret full of Polsten guns, only one example of which saw any field-testing before the war ended. (By then there was no Luftwaffe to shoot at, but it was a hit against dug-in infantry...)
I reviewed a
3D-printed resin turret a little while back, and am now getting round to building it. I've chosen to put it on the venerable DML M4A1 hull (kit 6048) because, well, it was in the stash. And despite being a tad "broad-shouldered" the hull still looks good.

First step was getting the turret to fit. The print does not include mounting tabs, so I made some from L-shaped plastic strip. I also needed to pad the turret hole with about 0.25" of plastic strip (I used some 0.020x0.040, topped by 0.010x0.040, then scraped and sanded til the turret ring fit), and then had to sand down the outer rear corners because they fouled the extinguisher-handle hood and the splash ring.

There isn't much "meat" on those corners, so to make room I had to scrape away maybe half a millimetre from the inner edge of the splash ring all the way round.
Next up I'll start tackling the main hull.