I realized that the post I made a few weeks ago declaring my intention to build this kit did not properly upload...so yeah. A bit late to the party.
Anyway, better late than never. I am building Tamiya's reboxing of the venerable Italeri kit - 1/35 Chaffee. The kit comes with the almost unmodified chaffee produced by italeri in the 80s, with some new tracks and metal barrel added by italeri in the 2000s. Finally, tamiya added some pretty nice looking stowage as well as a revised MG for the kit (the 90s sherman MG IIRC, so this isn't state of the art... way better than what comes in the kit though.)
I have decided to build this vehicle as one belonging to the 81st cavalry reconnaissance squadron, 1st Armored Division in Italy, April 1945

Started the kit before the new year. Builds up well enough. A couple of gaps and finnicky fit in some places, nothing too bad though. Filler hides most of them.

The turret... did not go too well for me to be honest. No alignment pin, large parts and flash on the connecting parts made it a bit tricky to get a good proper lock on the pieces. Again, filler came in to the rescue. The problem though is that because the gaps needing filler, some of the turret welds that italeri added to this kit when they revamped it got damaged/sanded off. Ah well, I tried to blend everything back with a knife.
What is pretty good though is the tracks. Well detailed, only has two attachment points and fits well. It has two shallow ejection holes in each though... but I tend to weather the tracks well so that will be hidden.

Primed. Ready for paint. I did this kit at the same time as a M3 Stuart. I'm actually 90% finished with the stuart. Just need to weather the turret to blend the rest.

basecoat and highlights on. Decals applied and glosscoated

And here's where it went to [auto-censored]. Applied a bit of tamiya panel liner (enamel based) on the wheels. Left it to dry..... and it turned the plastic into a brittle mess. I didn't take photos of everything but ALL the outer part of the wheels broke into a minimum of 2 pieces. One broke into 5. Was really pissed off when this happened - I've done harsher weathering with more caustic products on other tanks. I even applied this same product on bare plastic and it didn't break. Oh well. I glued everything back best I can.

Here's another photo of the broken wheels. It was at this point that I decided to go to town weathering the running gear to hide all the ghastly gaps and broken details with mud and dust. This was a week ago. I've made significant progress. Will post more photos later on. Cheers!