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Campaigns that are either in planning or underway should be grouped here.
Hosted by Richard S.
Israel Defense Forces Campaign - Active


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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 12:42 AM UTC
Me too, Johanan. I'm very curious about that kit.

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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 01:04 AM UTC
Meng make great kits!


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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 01:24 PM UTC
Hi guys,
The MENG kit is a dream to build. I've virtually completed the running gear system in 2 sittings of a couple hours each. A little care and attention and everything pretty much falls into place. Fit is definitely Tamiya-esque.
My only grouse -if I were to call it that- is that some of the sprue gates for several tiny parts are relatively large, and tend to attach right on or adjacent to areas having detail. Seems a pretty rookie mistake for a team that produced an otherwise fabulous kit. I suspect there's a reason for it, and I wonder if it is to maximize sharpness of detail.
Anyhoo, I shall press on!
The MENG kit is a dream to build. I've virtually completed the running gear system in 2 sittings of a couple hours each. A little care and attention and everything pretty much falls into place. Fit is definitely Tamiya-esque.

My only grouse -if I were to call it that- is that some of the sprue gates for several tiny parts are relatively large, and tend to attach right on or adjacent to areas having detail. Seems a pretty rookie mistake for a team that produced an otherwise fabulous kit. I suspect there's a reason for it, and I wonder if it is to maximize sharpness of detail.
Anyhoo, I shall press on!

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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 02:49 PM UTC
Looks great.


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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 05:05 PM UTC
Another short session at the modeling bench has brought me to this stage..
Engine access hatches and rear grille access doors installed.
This kit just falls together. Dragon-like details with Tamiya-like fit. It doesn't get much better than this.
Thanks for watching Dan.

Engine access hatches and rear grille access doors installed.

This kit just falls together. Dragon-like details with Tamiya-like fit. It doesn't get much better than this.
Thanks for watching Dan.


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Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 10:47 PM UTC
Nice choice Johanan. I have the Magach 6B Gal Batash version to build, so I will be watching this with interest.


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Posted: Friday, March 20, 2020 - 12:53 AM UTC
Hi Peter,
You will love the kit. The only real let down so far are the workable tracks. They have a dimple and socket clasp at one end and pins which you can insert 6 at a time using a jig thats provided. Very clever. But when I tried tensioning the track to get the tight fit round the running gear thats typical of M60s, the track gave way in several places. The movable working suspension didn't help either! As I wasn't planning on rolling my model kit across the wide open spaces anytime soon, but intended it as a static display piece anyway, I just glued the suspension arms in place after weighting it down a little, then glued the tracks together. The tracks are detachable, as are the wheels and sprocket, for painting convenience later.
I test fitted the mudguards. Again, the fit was superb. Here they are simply fitted in place without gluing. Everything lined up as it should. Great engineering by MENG!

More updates soon! Hopefully!
You will love the kit. The only real let down so far are the workable tracks. They have a dimple and socket clasp at one end and pins which you can insert 6 at a time using a jig thats provided. Very clever. But when I tried tensioning the track to get the tight fit round the running gear thats typical of M60s, the track gave way in several places. The movable working suspension didn't help either! As I wasn't planning on rolling my model kit across the wide open spaces anytime soon, but intended it as a static display piece anyway, I just glued the suspension arms in place after weighting it down a little, then glued the tracks together. The tracks are detachable, as are the wheels and sprocket, for painting convenience later.

I test fitted the mudguards. Again, the fit was superb. Here they are simply fitted in place without gluing. Everything lined up as it should. Great engineering by MENG!

More updates soon! Hopefully!

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Posted: Friday, March 20, 2020 - 08:18 AM UTC
You’re a good salesman for Meng!
Great looking kit.
You’re a good salesman for Meng!
Great looking kit.


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Posted: Friday, March 20, 2020 - 03:50 PM UTC
Hahaha thanks Dsn. But no affiliation with MENG whatsoever. Just a very satisfied (so far) customer.



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Posted: Saturday, March 21, 2020 - 01:38 PM UTC
Okay, been scratching my had trying to think of something a little out of the ordinary since Michael made his Dauphin Chopper choice. Then, trolling through my books, I came upon this pic in Concord 7008 - Tank Battles of the Middle East Wars Part 1:
so I am going to build this one:
Wish me luck...

so I am going to build this one:

Wish me luck...


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Posted: Sunday, March 22, 2020 - 05:12 AM UTC
A Carrier should be fun, even using a kit with so many tiny parts, good luck there Peter.
Johanan, that kit looks fabulous. I have the Gal Batash in the stash, looks like I may have to move it to the front soon. BTW, it is realistic to show the IDF Magach 6 family with the Merkava or Batash tracks with some slack, especially if the tank in question is operating in rocky terrain. Per the Desert Eagle Magach books, it's common practice, plus those are not "live" tracks, so a little sag is always appropriate, sometimes quite a bit.
Johanan, that kit looks fabulous. I have the Gal Batash in the stash, looks like I may have to move it to the front soon. BTW, it is realistic to show the IDF Magach 6 family with the Merkava or Batash tracks with some slack, especially if the tank in question is operating in rocky terrain. Per the Desert Eagle Magach books, it's common practice, plus those are not "live" tracks, so a little sag is always appropriate, sometimes quite a bit.


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Posted: Sunday, March 22, 2020 - 07:56 AM UTC
Hi Russell,
Yes you're absolutely right, the Magach 6Bs later moved from the double chevron (which were 'live' I believe) to the Merkava / Batash tracks due to better wear and tear resistance in the brutal rocky soil. These heavy tracks were tensioned but eventually were 'dead', so began to sag over time in operational use.
I guess I love the tight, springy look of the M60 family of vehicles (Singapore Combat Engineer units used the M60 CEV and AVLB variants quite extensively up to the rlate 80s). Might try a more sagged look on the Gal Batash if I ever get round to it. Looking forward to seeing your Batash!
Peter, great choice on the Lloyd carrier! With your skill, you don't need luck! Looking forward to seeing this unusual variant.
Yes you're absolutely right, the Magach 6Bs later moved from the double chevron (which were 'live' I believe) to the Merkava / Batash tracks due to better wear and tear resistance in the brutal rocky soil. These heavy tracks were tensioned but eventually were 'dead', so began to sag over time in operational use.
I guess I love the tight, springy look of the M60 family of vehicles (Singapore Combat Engineer units used the M60 CEV and AVLB variants quite extensively up to the rlate 80s). Might try a more sagged look on the Gal Batash if I ever get round to it. Looking forward to seeing your Batash!
Peter, great choice on the Lloyd carrier! With your skill, you don't need luck! Looking forward to seeing this unusual variant.


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Posted: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 06:14 AM UTC
Well, finally was able to finish up the construction of this beast.
All the ordnance is merely in place but not yet glued to ease painting. The fit is really good. The bits and bobs lying around are jerry cans, ammo boxes etc that will be painted separately and fixed in place later.
I have still to mask all the periscope and gunsight/ imaging glass and add weld seams to numerous attachment areas, and figure out what stuff to use to fill up that massive turret stowage basket...but otherwise basic construction is done.
I am not affiliated with Meng, but kudos where its deserved...they have done stirling work to produce this kit. Does it have some weak areas? Yes a few...but I'd be nitpicking if I tried to point them all out. They are mainly limitations to IM styrene which we just have to work around. In my case I just used a few simple home-made improvements.
I was hoping to avoid using any AM parts but I think this beauty deserves a set of Merkava 1 teacks from Friul. Then off to the paint booth!
Any feedback or advice greatly appreciated!
Best wishes,

All the ordnance is merely in place but not yet glued to ease painting. The fit is really good. The bits and bobs lying around are jerry cans, ammo boxes etc that will be painted separately and fixed in place later.
I have still to mask all the periscope and gunsight/ imaging glass and add weld seams to numerous attachment areas, and figure out what stuff to use to fill up that massive turret stowage basket...but otherwise basic construction is done.
I am not affiliated with Meng, but kudos where its deserved...they have done stirling work to produce this kit. Does it have some weak areas? Yes a few...but I'd be nitpicking if I tried to point them all out. They are mainly limitations to IM styrene which we just have to work around. In my case I just used a few simple home-made improvements.
I was hoping to avoid using any AM parts but I think this beauty deserves a set of Merkava 1 teacks from Friul. Then off to the paint booth!
Any feedback or advice greatly appreciated!
Best wishes,


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Posted: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 03:18 PM UTC
Sorry Johanan, but I am having trouble seeing it clearly. There seems to be too much drool running down my monitor.


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Posted: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 10:10 PM UTC
Wow, Johanan!
That looks fantastic!
That looks fantastic!


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Posted: Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 01:46 AM UTC
Hi Peter, Richard,
It really is a drool-worthy kit!
This is my first ever IDF kit worked to completion (I have a nearly finished HB Merk 3D LIC lying about somewhere).
I really hope to do this kit justice.
Cheers and thanks for looking!
It really is a drool-worthy kit!

I really hope to do this kit justice.
Cheers and thanks for looking!


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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 04:05 AM UTC
I simply must have one!


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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 06:47 AM UTC
Hi Rissell,
I absolutely understand your eagerness. I can't wait to get my paws on the Gal Batash for a future project.
I'm sorry if I'm posting too many pics. But these are the last before painting I promise! I added the Merkava 1 tracks from was just the icing this cake needed.
I had a blast building it. I really hope my paint-job will be able to do this beauty justice!
Thanks for looking!
I absolutely understand your eagerness. I can't wait to get my paws on the Gal Batash for a future project.
I'm sorry if I'm posting too many pics. But these are the last before painting I promise! I added the Merkava 1 tracks from was just the icing this cake needed.

I had a blast building it. I really hope my paint-job will be able to do this beauty justice!
Thanks for looking!


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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 07:32 AM UTC
Ooooh! That is just SO SEXY!
Tanks with add-on junk and ERA are just so cool.
I really wish Meng hadn't made this - and I hadn't seen it built up!
So I just ordered one!
The Batash also calls... And when (NOT IF - I'm pretty sure Meng will not miss the 7C opportunity...) Meng issues a Gimel... I guess I'll be into 3 big boxes of IDF styrene!
I know that you are not a Meng salesman, Johanan, but maybe you should drop them a line and ask about getting a cut on the coming sales of this kit!

Tanks with add-on junk and ERA are just so cool.
I really wish Meng hadn't made this - and I hadn't seen it built up!
So I just ordered one!

The Batash also calls... And when (NOT IF - I'm pretty sure Meng will not miss the 7C opportunity...) Meng issues a Gimel... I guess I'll be into 3 big boxes of IDF styrene!
I know that you are not a Meng salesman, Johanan, but maybe you should drop them a line and ask about getting a cut on the coming sales of this kit!


Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 08:40 AM UTC
Johanan, that kit is absolutely stunning
Will almost be a shame to put a coat of paint on it!


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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 04:44 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Ooooh! That is just SO SEXY!![]()
Tanks with add-on junk and ERA are just so cool.
I really wish Meng hadn't made this - and I hadn't seen it built up!
So I just ordered one!![]()
The Batash also calls... And when (NOT IF - I'm pretty sure Meng will not miss the 7C opportunity...) Meng issues a Gimel... I guess I'll be into 3 big boxes of IDF styrene!
I know that you are not a Meng salesman, Johanan, but maybe you should drop them a line and ask about getting a cut on the coming sales of this kit!![]()
Hahaha ya know...I just might Bob! Welcome to the wonderful, wild n crazy world of IDF sci fi armor eh?



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Posted: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 04:49 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Johanan, that kit is absolutely stunningWill almost be a shame to put a coat of paint on it!
Hey Neil,
Yeah I thought the same, but a friend who's an IDF scale armor nut assures me that once you slap on a coat of that wicked cool Sinai sand/grey/green its gonna be the bees knees. Just hope I don't make a dog's breakfast of it!

Thanks for looking!


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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2020 - 04:08 AM UTC
I have tank envy. I guess I may as well blow my modeling budget for the month, who knows what's down the road?
And The Friuls make it. Oddly enough, I have a couple sets already "burnished", ready to assemble.
Edit: $86.00! Maybe I'll wait.....
And The Friuls make it. Oddly enough, I have a couple sets already "burnished", ready to assemble.
Edit: $86.00! Maybe I'll wait.....


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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2020 - 05:14 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I have tank envy. I guess I may as well blow my modeling budget for the month, who knows what's down the road?
And The Friuls make it. Oddly enough, I have a couple sets already "burnished", ready to assemble.
Edit: $86.00! Maybe I'll wait.....
Russ: The Meng TS-044 Magach 6B Gal kit is available via
Auroramodelshop on the eBay for USD $48.99 shipped, plus whatever tax your state makes eBay add on.
Aurora is of course in China. China and Aurora are actually still alive and in business, and I've dealt successfully with them several times (in fact, I'm ordering my 6b kit from them right now). It could take anywhere from a month to maybe 80-90 days for it to come (I'm expecting closer to early May for me in AZ), but they are reputable. There are other options on the eBay - and I think most or all are well below your quoted $86 price.
Cheers! Bob


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Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2020 - 08:19 AM UTC
Hobbyeasy Hong Kong has it for USD $42.91 plus postage
I have used them several times and had no issues. I usually have delivery in 2-3 weeks by airmail.
I have used them several times and had no issues. I usually have delivery in 2-3 weeks by airmail.
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