Chuck and William- I take my hat off for the scratchbuilt components in your builds, gentlemen!
John and David- these are nice JTigers!
Norman- very nice interior of you M-10.Those shell casings look like the real thing!
I'm moving along with my SU-100 build(and will refrain- as much as posiblle- from mentioning T-34 David

I found out the vehicle I model has some features, that are typical for a Czechoslovakian-made SU-100, while others point to a Soviet production(Omsk Factory) vehicle.
Two typical Czechoslovakian features are the exhaust guards and the second antenna(e) on the roof of the casemate:

I removed the organic fenders and glued the ones I made from copper sheet.
Then I took measurements from the spare box Zvezda gives and soldered it from copper sheet.Hassled with some Voyager hinges and now the lid of the spare box opens and closes:

Had to take care of some sink holes between the bolts on gun's mount and because Zvezdas bolts are not as prominent as the ones on my refference vehicle, I sanded them off and glued some Meng bolts.
I also added some welds using Mr.Surfacer 500 and a toothpick:

It has been a fun build sofar, more will come soon.
Take care and keep modelbuilding!