Update on my Academy Achilles:
The turret interior is a mess. It's got lots of huge knockout pin marks and all the stowage boxes are on the wrong side and there are not enough of them.

The straps for the counter weights are incorrect and needed to be replaced. I also made the interior lift ring and replaced the MG mount.

The gun shield provided with the kit is for an American M10 and not the correct one for the 17PDR. I scratch built one from brass wire and plastic card. Not totally accurate but a lot closer than what Academy give you.

The barrel is totally off. Too small and it doesn't even look like a 17 prd barrel. I took one from an old Dragon Firefly kit and cut it down a little. Still a little undersized, but I think it will work.

The hatches for the driver and radio operator are good, but the hinges are too small and at the wrong angle. I corrected these and thought "what the heck" and added pins to them so that they work. I added British fire extinguishers to the rear, repositioned the fuel and water covers and sanded off all the raised locating marks on the rear for the tool placement. I also added the first aide box on the left rear side.

On the boogies, I thinned out the track skids, added bolt heads (taken from the alternate ones provided) and drilled the mounting holes for the return roller assembly on the blank side.

The interior looks pretty good, but the ammunition racks are again for the M10 (stored in fiber tubes) and not for the Achilles. I am working on making those now. The floor sections are a little off, but once the top is on, you won't really be able to see it so I'm not going to bother with it.

As soon as I can get the ammunition racks finished, I will start throwing some paint on it.