This is the second time I built this kit. The first time was about 15 years ago, so anything learned from that build is quite foggy.
Step one is the construction of the bogies. There is a little flash and quite a bit of mould seams that need cleaning on all parts concerned with the first step, 48 in all. Not too surprising with a 25 year old kit, yet nothing that can't be easily fixed with a sharp knife and a little time. On my kit, a couple sinks need a little filler and the two major halves (parts 9A + 8A, and 1A + 7A) that sandwhich the suspension arms could use a little filler too.
I'm building the suspension so that all possible parts will be "working". This includes the wheels, because for me, it's easier to paint the entire wheel if it spins. It's easier to get to.
Also, I'd like to add this model in a dio to show off the working suspension feature, maybe cruising over some rubble.

I also weathered (distressed) two of the road wheels with an exacto, and these will appear on one side of the vehicle.
I should have a pic or two in another day or two.
Anyone else get started today? Have you had similar areas needing fixing? Are you building the bogies so they will be "working"?