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Armor/AFV | Other | CS-01 | Camouflage Paint Set | Henk Meerdink | In-Box | Painting | 90% | 27726 | 2007-12-19 |
Figures | Other | German WWII Uniform Set 2 | Scott Lodder | Built | Painting | 80% | 41854 | 2008-01-09 | |
Armor/AFV | Other | Military vehicle modelling DVD | Keith Forsyth | Book | Build Story | 88% | 19336 | 2008-02-23 | |
Armor/AFV | Other | CS-16 | LifeColor set CS-16 | Darren Baker | Tool | Painting | 90% | 23059 | 2008-06-29 |
Other | K250 | External Mac Valve | Keith Forsyth | Tool | Airbrushing | 90% | 23097 | 2009-02-14 | |
Figures | 1:1 | CS18 | LifeColor US Army paint set 2 | Andy Renshaw | Built | Painting | 95% | 25013 | 2009-09-30 |
Figures | Other | CS17A | WWII US Army Paint Set | Alan McNeilly | Built | Painting | 85% | 29307 | 2009-09-26 |
Artillery | 1:35 | QF 2 pounder anti-tank gun | Keith Forsyth | In-Box | Plastic Kits | 88% | 19729 | 2009-10-18 | |
Mobile Artillery | 1:35 | L3505 | 37mm Flak 43 | Keith Forsyth | In-Box | Plastic Kits | 92% | 19194 | 2009-11-16 |
Armor/AFV | 1:35 | l3512 | sWS General Cargo | James Cann | In-Box | Plastic Kits | 95% | 16358 | 2009-12-17 |
Armor/AFV | 1:35 | 35116 | M1078 LMTV Replacement Wheels | Gino P. Quintiliani | In-Box | Resin Parts | 85% | 18368 | 2009-12-13 |
Other | SCP 700 | Sparmax Airbrush Cleaning Pot | Nathan Ram | In-Box | Airbrushing | N/A | 23641 | 2009-12-21 | |
Figures | Other | XS5 | Polish Army 1939 Paints | Mecenas | First Look | Painting | 90% | 23309 | 2010-01-06 |
Softskins | 1:35 | L3508 | KS750 with sidecar and trailer | Darren Baker | In-Box | Plastic Kits | 95% | 22071 | 2010-08-28 |
Tools & Supplies | Other | COM-8-100-15 | Real Deal Weathering Set | Darren Baker | In-Box | Painting | 95% | 21640 | 2010-09-23 |
Tools & Supplies | Other | XS 08 | Finnish WWII Army | Darren Baker | Built | Painting | 90% | 19592 | 2011-04-09 |
Artillery | 1:35 | L3526 | 12.8cm PAK 44 | Darren Baker | Built | Plastic Kits | 79% | 21141 | 2011-05-01 |
Artillery | 1:35 | L3519 | 3.7cm Flak 43 | Darren Baker | Built | Plastic Kits | 95% | 21183 | 2011-04-20 |
Armor/AFV | 1:1 | MS01 and MS02 | Contrast and Desaturation sets | Darren Baker | In-Box | Painting | N/A | 18840 | 2012-09-30 |
AFVs | 1:35 | CS 27 | Black Rubber Shades and Co | Darren Baker | In-Box | Painting | N/A | 16875 | 2012-10-08 |
Tools & Supplies | 1:1 | Neo Air | Darren Baker | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 28414 | 2013-01-24 | |
Tools & Supplies | 1:35 | SPG04 & SPG05 | Pigment and Color Sets | Darren Baker | In-Box | Weathering | N/A | 25256 | 2013-08-31 |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | IW-NEO-TRN2 | Neo Side-feed Trigger Airbrush | Todd Michalak | Tool | Airbrushing | 92% | 27176 | 2013-12-10 |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | TRN-1 | Neo for Iwata Gravity Trigger | Rick Cooper | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 27434 | 2014-01-03 |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | TT-03 and TT-05 | Tweezers by Wilder | Darren Baker | In-Box | Tools | N/A | 17659 | 2014-07-10 |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | NL 14 | Vibrant Green Filter | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 17631 | 2014-07-30 |
Dioramas | 1:35 | SPG 06 | Lichens & Moss | Darren Baker | First Look | Weathering | N/A | 21999 | 2014-08-28 |
Armor/AFV | N/A | QR 01 | Quick Rust | Darren Baker | Tool | Weathering | N/A | 17467 | 2014-08-28 |
Decals/Markings | 1:35 | DT3501/DT3504/DT3506 | WW2 DryTransfers | Darren Baker | In-Box | Decals/Transfers | N/A | 16425 | 2014-09-01 |
Painting | N/A | IWCL-200 | Airbrush Cleaning Mat | Darren Baker | Tool | Painting | N/A | 16597 | 2014-11-30 |
Armor/AFV | N/A | CS 27 | Black Rubber Shades | Todd Michalak | In-Box | Painting | 98% | 16476 | 2016-01-24 |
Painting | N/A | CS29 | Burned Set | Todd Michalak | In-Box | Airbrushing | 98% | 15508 | 2016-02-22 |
Weathering | N/A | LP02 | Rust Wizard | Todd Michalak | Tool | Weathering | 98% | 17097 | 2016-03-28 |
General Modeling | N/A | Sparmax ARISM Viz Compressor | Arism Air Compressor | Darren Baker | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 15589 | 2016-09-02 |
Dioramas | N/A | GP06 | Brown Russian Earth | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Diorama/Buildings | N/A | 12855 | 2017-02-25 |
Painting | N/A | CS42 | Russian Infantry Uniforms WWII | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 12970 | 2018-02-03 |
General Modeling | N/A | SHA-NR | Sharpen Air | Darren Baker | Tool | Tools | N/A | 8311 | 2018-07-17 |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | ICM-4502 | Custom Micron CM-C2 Plus | Mario Matijasic | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 9178 | 2019-01-23 |
Painting | N/A | ECL3500 | Eclipse HP-SBS | Todd Michalak | Tool | Airbrushing | 99% | 8618 | 2018-12-23 |
Figures | N/A | CS45 | UK WWI Uniforms & Equipment | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 7476 | 2019-01-18 |
Figures | N/A | CS13 | Flesh Set | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 7623 | 2019-03-04 |
Painting | N/A | CS-44 | British Tank Color UK & Europe | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 6812 | 2019-07-07 |
Dioramas | N/A | CS 40 | Stone Grey | Frederick Boucher | Tool | Painting | N/A | 6785 | 2019-08-13 |
Painting | N/A | IW-HP-C-PLUS | HP-C Plus Airbrush | Darren Baker | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 7013 | 2019-08-21 |
Painting | N/A | PS 01 | New Formula Primer | Darren Baker | In-Box | Painting | N/A | 6051 | 2019-08-22 |
Painting | N/A | HP-CH Airbrush | Carlos Martin | Tool | Airbrushing | N/A | 6054 | 2019-12-16 | |
Tools & Supplies | N/A | IWCL-NW-1 | Iwata Nozzle Wrench | Mario Matijasic | Tool | Tools | N/A | 3123 | 2020-07-02 |