Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 09:32 AM UTC
Bravo-6 have sent us photos of a production casting of their latest figure in their Vietnam '68 range.
The new figure is 35005
US Infantry private(2) shotgun Vietnam`68
and should be available by the end of January or early February.

Although still under construction you can see a full list of their distributors at the Bravo-6 website. (link)

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In a short period of time we will be able to reproduce some scenes from Platoon. Thanks to bravo-6 to release such unique type of figure Seb
JAN 15, 2009 - 04:08 PM
It is. So far, all of Bravo-6's Vietnam releases have been characters from Platoon; Elias, Barnes, Chris, Junior, and now Bunny.
JAN 15, 2009 - 05:23 PM
Another excellent figure and likeness, I've got the first four and as soon as he's available I'll grab this one as well. All the best Vic
JAN 15, 2009 - 09:32 PM
I have all four, can't wait for more excellent figures form Bravo-6, but I think the figure with the M-60 is King? Ed
JAN 16, 2009 - 10:47 AM
Yes,of course,King,no Junior! Junior will be later:-)
JAN 16, 2009 - 11:10 AM
another cracking figure im going to invest in some of these they look cracking ! it is waiting for someone to reinact a scene from platoon with these figures;)
JAN 16, 2009 - 11:24 AM
Thanks for the info, I hope you will add all the figures form the Movie, the funniest is Sgt O'Neill, he cracks me up. Take care Ed
JAN 16, 2009 - 12:17 PM
More great work, Vlad! And don't forget Big Harold, Captain Harris (Dale Dye) and the inept Lt. Wolfe! I just finished watching "The Boys in Company C" --- that Vietnam War film, like "Apocalypse Now" has a lot of 35th scale figure potential as well. Keep 'em coming, Vlad! Regards and Aloha, Johnny B.
JAN 16, 2009 - 03:28 PM
Bunny looks good I thought later in the movie he had a rat tail? The other question I' d like know of any moddeler is. Who read the book before it became a move? Anyone? Cheers
FEB 06, 2009 - 08:26 PM

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