Conversion: Creating a M54 5-ton Cargo Truck in 1:35th Scale

Cab Subassembly

Finishing Up the Cab
The M35's Running Boards (AFV Club Parts #B41) are narrower, so to match the extended Fenders you will need to insert a length of 1/8" plastic stock the same thickness as the original parts. Consult the photos to see where I separated the Running Board from the walls of the Storage Box, gluing the new insert piece to the Box and finally reattaching the Running Board. You could glue the new piece to the outside of the Running Board foregoing the cutting process, but I prefer the final look acheived by the method I use. The Driver's-side Running Board and Storage Door (AFV Club Part #B53) is all that you will need for this conversion. The M54 five ton cargo trucks actually did not have the Storage Box on the Driver's side - there are two air tanks in place of it - behind the Running Board. You don't have to model this feature if you don't want to - it doesn't show in the final model - unless you desire a more accurate miniature. Finishing off the Cab subassembly is simple, just follow the AFV Club instruction sheet. The exception here is not to use the Front Bumper (AFV Club Part #A59) and Winch (AFV Club SubAssemblies A1 thru A4) - substituting them for Italeri components.

Project Photos


About the Author

About Dave Willett (animal)

I am a Vietnam vet and retired Govt. employee living in Ormond Beach Fla. I have been building models since I was a small boy(a long time). I got into the afv models about 4years ago. My passion is the vietnam era. I am also very fond of the modern soft skin of Desert Storm and OIF. Scratch building...