1⁄35Building the Dragon 25pdr w/ Trailer
Having purchased a fair number of DML kits and knowing how much detail and finesse they are capable of putting into a box, a lot of which can often seem like overkill, I cannot help but be disappointed by the effort that has been put into this kit of what is arguably one of the best known artillery guns of WWII. The kit has been over simplified, with not enough thought going into how the end user may wish to display their model, either as a gun in action or being towed by a vehicle.Having said that, the mouldings are of a very high quality and there were no imperfections that I could find; other high points are the general buildability plus the inclusion of the figures. There are, too, some very nice touches, and if the same level of thought and detail had been apparent throughout the model it could have been a must-buy product. The model as built straight from the box cannot however accurately represent a gun either towed or in action without some significant scratch work, this especially being the case if you wish to show it being towed.
I must admit that I could be being too critical due to having regular access to real 25pdr guns in full working order, and a number of the observations I have made may be of minimal interest to many modellers, but it just seems to me that DML has rushed this kit into production, and as a result it doesn’t live up to what we have come to expect from them and know them to be capable of.
The sample for this review was courtesy of DragonUSA.
Excellent review, and I really like the reference photos mixed in as well.
MAR 09, 2012 - 12:35 PM
Thanks guys as it took a lot of work to get the pictures I needed but it was an interesting exercise for me. I hope you find it of help along with the pictures of the 25pdr in various parts.
MAR 09, 2012 - 10:03 PM
Hi Darren,
Thanks for the review. Seems another rushed Allied job which is a pity. I like the crew, perhaps they will release them separately?
I have the Bronco kit which offers more finish choice so it's doubtful I'll bother with this one.
MAR 09, 2012 - 10:21 PM
Alan thank you. To be fair to Dragon their offering does include a couple of details that Bronco missed such as the pick axe head however I do agree with you. Also in the interest of fairness I am in the process of writing a build review of the Bronco 25pdr which is taking some time due to the number of parts and miniscule size of some parts. I hope that this way the members here will have the information to make an informed decision on which offering best meets their requirements.
MAR 10, 2012 - 05:06 AM
Thanks Darren ! My instruction sheet is covered with lots of notes. Great work inter mingling the kit with the real thing. Thanks again for all your hard work/labor of love on this review !
MAR 10, 2012 - 06:39 AM
Hi Darren,
Yes, there are a lot of parts in the Bronco kit. I've made a start on mine but I have only the barrel made at this point.
Look forward to the Bronco review, your write up of the DML kit is very good and comprehensive. Thanks also for the additional reference pics.
MAR 10, 2012 - 08:09 AM
Guys I am glad this was of help and if any member needs help with specific areas of the 25pdr or limber drop me a line and I will get the pictorial information you need.
APR 05, 2012 - 05:18 AM
Copyright ©2021 by Darren Baker. Images and/or videos also by copyright holder unless otherwise noted. The views and opinions expressed herein are solely the views and opinions of the authors and/or contributors to this Web site and do not necessarily represent the views and/or opinions of Armorama, KitMaker Network, or Silver Star Enterrpises. All rights reserved. Originally published on: 2012-03-09 00:00:00. Unique Reads: 21853