Hmmm Interesting response or lack of it lol, lol.
Right guys,
You know you have good days and bad days well yesterday was a bit of both. On the plus side the LHS storage unit and seats are turning out well I think? On the minus side I cocked up the front end of the truck by putting the window screen in bact to front

I noticed that something was a bit odd about 2 hours later so had to dis-assemble the who thing, hence lots of filler. This was probably due to my mind being on the above and trying to decide whether or not to fix the whole structure to the chassis as recommended in the conversion instructions.
I also spent a lot of the day test fitting and adjusting the 2 parts to get the correct fit which is in fact determined by the roof, so lots of filing adjustments and fitting. I think it about right now.
I've opted for the other option mainly because I think the vehicle will sit too low to the ground. I know there were differences in the 15cwt and the C8A, the C8A had I think had a lighter axel and it may be that the body fixed flat onto the chassis but this presented problems with the suspension units catching on the inside of the rear mud guards. Anyway I filed a bit off the inside of the guards and this is where I'm at now.
The difference is about 2mm so either way it shouldn't effect the final build too much.
Some pics

The riased chassis with the correct windows and filler, Needs a bit of tidying up and there was a little damage to the RHS screen support but should still come out OK

I also thinned down the gear and break levers considerable as they are chunky items!

I also fixed the bronken fuel tank, a really difficult fix trying to bend a piece of plastif to the right shape. Fuel caps ned tidyied up but it should do.
