Thanks Alex neighbour and Jaymes (for the triple post too!)
Thanks Charles, this won't be a drtamatic affair like the Womb, but on completion, it will be either looking slightly ridiculous and very psychedelic, or just downright good. i try a new effect on that one you see.
Calvin nope, but then I have one great idea for a Pearl Harbour diorama that I will certainly do pretty sure too!
Thank you Primož and Rob and Zaltar and Seb!
hey Bob thanks, appreciated, updates should be once a day except on Christmas week I guess..
Andrzej I listened to lots of Polish music wjhile beginning on that one
Well seen Karol, I am a massive Spacemen 3 fan and the name of the diorama comes from this. It sort of means indeed that yes Ladies and Gentlemen, we are Floating into Space with this diorama
Now let's play ""Transparent radiation"..
please don't worry about the Airfix mag as I have been indeed finding it
thanks a lot for proposing in the first place!
yep Stefan, and indeed I am VERY happy about this
thanks for watching!
As ever with one of my dios, that's photoetch time!
I know why this, it's because I spent so much time learning how to do this properly (and i still fail from times to times) that I want to do this over and over. That's also a very convenient way of letting the computer do the job for you (what's important is the idea and the mood and the setting methinks, not much the actual building process..)
Anyway, I guess Karol will know what this is for..