I'm not yet done with this dio, still a few years to go! LOL
After the rush with my book sales is over now and i rested enough from he third part, i am slowly regaining traction to continue the build.
This one may be finished faster as, you know that already , it is based on the
houses i did 5 or more years ago as a training for the castle build

The first thing to do was to build the module and adapt it the best possible to the rest of the dio

After reconsidering my layout a bit i took away a good part of cobblestone street, slide the whole row to the side of the dio and got a free space of roughly 30 cm between the houses, enough to insert one more house ( i had in mind already, otherwise i would not have started this operation)

Before starting anything detailed i build my groundwork up to the other modules height.
You will noticed that i destroyed a bit of this one already in anticipation of my original plan. After changing the layout the destruction happened to be unnecessary

After this step

i took the new module in my workroom.
I contacted the owner of a 140 year old textile shop in Clervaux , still held by the same family. The lady of the house was very forthcoming and after a second friendly reminder she finally sends me one (initially talked about a few) contemporary picture.
What did she do? Instead of sending me the original picture and allowing me a high resolution scan with all possibilities of tweaking the result, she send me a photocopy

I do not want to bother her again, so i need to work with that only.
Now comes routine work for me, building a facade. This one has a little extra with 15 openings in a tight space.
Here is the work, with the reference pic visible above.

Acrylic paste to my rescue to close all gaps and holes and a first coat of Gesso to smooth it (unsuccessful and need more work)

That's it for now as i am trying to build the windows.
I marked this as a Blog but i have doubts that i can keep the pace of one as the work is all routine and should be already known from my previous builds.
After this house i will redo some details of the Café and the Hotel (not up to my actual standard anymore, do a meter of cobblestone street and after that probably ad one more house on this part.
Hope i can keep some audience through this adventure and please feel free to comment or add something. Having good page views in nice but having the comment is better.
Oh , and, well, there is still a book out there ...... :-)