Hello Stefan,
Yes, I will be your XO for this campaign.
You know, guys when they call for volunteers it would be nice if all of you did not take a step back while I was not looking.
For the last 3 days I have looked through about 250+ boxes of books, in 4 storage units, looking for more info about the M 41. So far all I have found is a memo about the shipping of 30 M 41 to Korea November 1952. I am closing in on a shipping list of the freighter that carried them. It should have also a list of the crewmen of the tanks(I Hope)along with what supplies were sent with them IE: engines, tracks, radios, etc.
I also found another report from a supply unit that reported that they had done the cammo and put on the sides PTC in white letters near the rear left with numbers 1-30 on them along with the usual ID # and other markings.
I have another 20+ storage units to go through and another few thousand box to look through. But I will keep looking

Is there anything else anyone needs me to look for, for this campaign. If so let me know.
I am also scaning the titles of the books as I go, So I should know what book is in what box in which storage unit.

PS I will be gone for a day or two. A large book store is closing and I what to see what they have. Plus I need more books, I just do not have enought of them.