Thanks guys, you are to nice as i do not see what is so good about all this.
I promised i WIP view of the water pump.
Here it is
The resin parts comes from commercial pumps, it's a mix from two different ones. The rest is a piece of sprue as center piece with different wire and lead sheet. I made it myself because, while not a lot different from commercial ones, those are all to big for my taste.
The i promised (somewhat ) to have the house nearly finished by now. I could have made it, but ...
it occurred to me that it would really be better to look for some artificial light to allow a decent view of all this. This will even more true when the dio get's a place in the museum,viewers should then be able to see inside.
I need to wait for next week to get to a shop with a decent LED selection. I really hate electricity work, but the technique has progressed since my efforts in the castle and it really will be worth it. I will also install some LED in the bike shop so that my work with the shop window will be seen later.
Because of that i did not "close" the house yet.
This is a view of the nearly finished structure, the roof is not fixed yet
The other reason for some delay is the work i have done the whole saturday. As i am doing an open house here, the path of the electricity should be demonstrated a bit more in detail. That's why i scratched a switchboard, based on this reference picture i took in the rural museum a few weeks ago
The kitchen, equipped with a light switch and the switch board. Remember please, joints near the wall and chimney are not yet filled.
It took me 5-6 hours to do that board! I admit that it is a bit big compared to the rest, but it is , IMO, a good and rarely seen addition