The adventure of Dio Clervaux continues!
As you probably know already i must change my initial plans.
I had planned an addition of roughly 1.2 meters to finish my scene with the german army attacking on the opposite side of the castle.
The problem is this one: To model convincingly a similar topography as in the real town of Clervaux, would have meant to build the opposite hill at a height of 2 meters!!! To reach this insane height i would need at least a space of 2-3 meters and i only have 1.5 meters left in my room!
At this stage i need to put that plan to rest. Maybe in the future, as a separate dio, but not now.
I will conclude the actual Dio Clervaux with two modules, 70 cm wide over the whole lengths of 2.2 meters. This will include a lot of nice features and will provide a good entry point to the village.
The only drawback, again, is the lack of action in this part of the town.
I will show you again the paln and some features of the build.
Here is a rough sketch. Yes , i am working so messy and i like that! :-)
Right in the middle of it is the "park island " with the willow.
The part on the lower right side is the one I am doing now, it is 1,4x0.7 m big It will include also 3-4 houses, perhaps one in half to allow inside views.
Complicated houses like a pharmacy and a bike shop for example.
The bridge (spanning over the 2,2 meter river) is about 50 cm long by itself (i underestimated that one badly in my initial thoughts)
Here in this picture on the lower left side
Notice the little towers on the bridge, well , here is one in detail
I need to make two of them!
That, and a resin river of 1,4 meters is the menu for modul 6
Module 7 (only 0,8 x 0,7) will then feature this nice house (near the middle, on the right side of the river), of which, for now i have only bad pictures
Let's start with the build:
Lot's of styrodur to make the basic shape of everything.
The rocks on the left side of the river are interfering with ease of manipulation, so will the walls on the right side, so I need to build this part by part to be able to have a good reach on everything
I skip the raw styro picture to show you the sculpting of the rocks
I redid it a few times before I was satisfied.
Here is the setup for the bridge with stairs leading down to the river
I build a small wall who is going to border some gardens
Here is the start of the stone covering of the bridge
and the finish, after also having covered the whole thing with a paste
Yesterday evening I laid the bed of the river, the sand mix is still wet .
As the river will not be very deep and it runs through slate land, I incorporated already a lot of stones in the river bed
So, my picture taking is still only mediocre, I can't really put a 1,5 meter long dio in the photo booth to better pics, sorry.
Thanks for looking
PS. I have still some books to sell from Château Clervaux :-)