Ok, here is some model building again :-)
I am really relieved to have nearly finished the towers.
Here, once more, the only image to my knowledge who shows the towers from the side entering the town. This means it's also the only image showing the figures "hanging" on the sides.
If you zoom in you notice this statures, male and female, and, why make it easy for me, two different ones on the other tower
I have no idea what they represent.
For me, this figures are only 14 mm high, equivalent to 1:120 figures!
Heads are 2 mm high max! I did already all the heads, they will be attached at the latest moment.
There is a lot of cleaning to do also some more sculpting around the figs. I also have no idea what this deco means to represent.
I will also add the bars in front of the windows, there will be glass inside also.
The top (here to show how i assembled it) will be cast and replicated to make to identical copies for each tower. I will then add the tiny end on each of them
The tower is around 18 cm high.
And here it is finally
The roof, once the glass is inside, will be attached and then covered with lead foil. At least that's the plan for now.
This all took very long and the river is also not yet done. As is announced, i will not hurry any more, it's hobby, so let's approach it like a hobby.
Hope you like it!
I will show some more pics as soon as it's assembled, but then attached to the bridge.
Apart three model expos this fall (2 in Luxembourg and 1 in near France(Sedan) )i will also expose the diorama in Luxembourg's biggest shopping mall for two weeks. The shopping mall has around 100 000 visitors a week! If after that, someone in Luxembourg's still claims not to know about it, i don't know what to do else.