Bob, thanks,
i used some moss for the tree, here is a picture of the build, you will recognize the stuff better
I got a question by PM how i build my "groundwork and grass/foliage" and get this good look? I must first thank for the praise .
Considering i have now a dio of nearly 6 square meters with plenty of different groundwork and grass/foliage the question is a bit vague. You must consider also that whole books have already been written to explain diorama groundwork. So i can give only a bit of an answer here.
Here is an actual picture of one of my working desks. (specially taken for this answer)
I am using plenty and plenty of natural stuff, roots, moss, and other grasses, leaves , Thymian and more, combined with the occasional synthetic stuff and Heki Wildgrass for the meadow.
To do groundwork realisticaly you must have also patience as a lot of stuff fits into a certain space. Basically, if you think that you are done, add more.
Use reference pictures, this helps more than you think.
Here is a wall in my room (notice a picture of a fallen tree in the lower left)
I do frankly not know better how to answer this question for now, the theme is so fast and i probably covered alot of it already during the last years.
Point me to some specific area and i will try to answer more precise.