Nico mate thanks man ,,its a fun one this dio for me ..keep an eye out ,,theres gonna be changes with this soon

well time to answer that curious mind lol .. normally when i build a tank i'll plan it out first the plans and read a few reviews to see if theres any hidden problems ,,then i'll decide what i am going to do with it ..damaged .field mods ,added armour and so on ..once thats all sorted then i will build ..start with the chassis first ..its normally the frist step anyway ..when your building and PE is used you build it as you need to like following the standard step and put the PE on when you have too .
Just follow the plans .
When damage is used on the model it needs to be planned so it looks real as possible . there;s plenty of pics out there for ideas and to copy . when after market or AM is being used of course the plans wont cover that ..AM can be many many things for a tank ... added armour..tracks ..turrets ..guns ..engines ,,,you name it ,,so you have to work that into the building too ,,since your first tank is a doddle to build these problems wont be there but later
Say for example i am putting on after market tracks ,well these will go on when its time to put them on in the plans but this can also depend on the tank i'm building .some you leave off and only put them on when everything is painted .others you have to put them on and paint while your still building .. the MAUS super tank is a good example . theres also technique's you will pick up and you will find away which works best for you ..we all do
One tank i am building for this dio is a Sherman crab ..has a anti mine frail on it and i will need to build the tank in such away that the hull is not glued to the chassis ,,that way i can paint the tracks then put the two parts together ..the way the frail is made it would be a big pain to paint the tracks once the frail is in place ..different things for different tanks ..thats modelling for ya