Mike it easy has hell for you to say how good the drum will look with all of its chains .but you aint driving ya self nuts doing it is ya ,,i would call that lucky
Have to admit tho it is really going to make this thing look good , with the weather being so nice outside right now ,,ie pissing down with rain to the point my front lawn looks like a lake , i'll be paying some attention to that tonight ,wait and see matey
BRANDI!!!!! holy crap !!!damn girl i thought you had left us fellas ..damn glad to see you back

and thank you lol
Ya i think life getting super busy is an understatement

hell it has been ages but glad we'll hopefully get to see more of your dio soon ,,that was coming along nicely ,as for health we aint going there .. been pretty normal for me ,,ie sick but since i changed tablets things are really looking up ,,so this is the plan for tomorrow ..paint my PAK43 for the Art of the Battlefield campaign , mask up The Beast ready for painting and do more work on Crossing the gap .. not sure if you saw The Beast but the building was finished a little while ago and trust me ..its big ,bad and brutal

just the way i like it
Rodrigo ,,Thank you mate

thats the first tree i ever made ,,glad it turned out so good ,gives me heaps of confidence to try others now .