Thanks a heap for all the kind words guys ,, I know it would have been easier to paint the chains before they were fitted but with the idea i have it will be pretty easy to paint them the flail drum is not yet fitted to the arms and there's also the fact they don't fit very well ,but considering how bad this conversion has been there's no surprise there .
Still got some work to do putting the last of the little bits on to the tank but thats pretty easy and i'll have that done in a few days time once a few other things are done .
David ,, Ya i had a look at your dio and its pretty damn cool man .. your building looks excellent and you made the exact same mistake i did with your bridge ,, after doing some hunting it turns out all the frames which make the sides are not needed fact for such a small bridge we could have gotten away with one or two frame sets ..three are not needed but to late now
Once all the tanks,trucks and bikes are done then its time for all the men ..oh hell thats gonna be fun