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Posted: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 10:56 PM UTC
Cheers for that Rodrigo and trust me there will be plenty more to see ...things are starting to move now on this puppy and i am looking forward to doing more work on it over the next few days so theres gonna be more pics very soon
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Posted: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 07:51 PM UTC
OK here's more pic's .. did some painting today on the base and attacked the bunker with some camo nets and barbed wire ,its nowhere near finished yet ,,still got a heap of work to go on it but its gonna look wicked ,,you guys a gonna like this when its done .
The river is been toned into the rest of the land son once the water goes in its going to look the part ..hopefully the water will get to me soon ..i now want to pour the water ..i think its going to look pretty good ,anyways here's some pics of todays work .
The bunker so far ...

The river bed ,,so far

and now for the rest of it ..

Thats it for now ,,more to follow soon
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Friday, October 28, 2011 - 08:10 AM UTC
Phill: nice ground work! The "lawn" looks very realistic.
Happy Modelling, -zon
"Certainty of death.
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Posted: Friday, October 28, 2011 - 03:20 PM UTC
Hey ya Zon mate ,, cheers for that comment mate .. glad it turned out the way it did .like i said before , i am enjoying this dio alot and not something else for ya to take a look at,,water ,,its been layed in at last ..first layer of casting resin is now drying ,this will take hours to do but thats all good ..only one more layer togo and thats the water done .i know its pretty clear but i am going to darken it a bit when this layer dries ..i just hope i got my mixes right ..been along time since i layed fiber glass ,,here;s hoping
Now time for pics ..

More to follow soon ...
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 05:26 AM UTC
Phil, yay!!!! The water looks awesome!!!! Looks like you got it right down to the very accurate mml.

I think this is coming along really well! Can't wait to see it all in place!
Keep up the inspiring work
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 07:43 AM UTC
Phill!! You Mad-Man! Looking very good. A couple of comments: That's a terrible way to treat a gun muzzle

LOL. And just curious: was the cart backed into the stream, or did some idiot try to jump the stream and fail miserably?

Seriously though, this is really looking good. Can't wait to see more.
Happy Modelling, -zon
"Certainty of death.
Small chance of sucess.
What are we waiting for?"
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 10:57 AM UTC
Brandi .. thank you

..its starting to look good aint it >? bout time too ... i hate working on something which takes months and even then its still not quite getting the overall look i'm going for ..sometimes it drives me nuts .this one is being liked alot
Zon thanks you too matey

..that cart is something someone has just pushed out of the way ..could have been the Germans or the Allies ..don't know but i needed something just to give the river a bit more interest ,,think it worked
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Monday, October 31, 2011 - 02:10 AM UTC
Phil, yes working on something that seems to be taking FOREVER does suck. That's how I feel about my dio right now actually, lol.
But this is looking awesome! And I think you're making a lot of progress!
Keep it up!
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Posted: Monday, October 31, 2011 - 11:36 AM UTC

.. Ok you want some advice ? well since you can't say no here it is

.. don't let the dio beat you .I let it once and had a hard time finishing others i would start .so now i treat each part of it as a separate dio ,,even this one is being treated the same way .the bridge is one ,,the river is another and so on .makes it so much easier
Now since ya been a patient person i will be putting more pics on tonight of the river .its not totally dry yet but its ok to photo .,so tomorrow you and the others will have more to prev at
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Monday, October 31, 2011 - 07:22 PM UTC
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 03:07 AM UTC
Just as I had suspected, it looks like crap.
hahahahah, just teasing, Phil!
The water looks great! I especially like the barrel it looks like it's been rolling around in the water by the log for some time now, I can almost see it tumbling down the river

I'll have to pick your brain about the resin. That stuff is great, but hard to master. You pulled it off and it looks awesome!
I'm excited to see the bridge
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Posted: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 05:18 AM UTC
Awesome!!!!! You have to tell me how u got that water effect

?! I love it, wanna see more!!

Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 05:31 PM UTC
Hey Brandi ,,, Glad you like it, don;t like it lol .. it did turn out pretty damn good huh ? and its pretty good to work with once you get used to it .. its called Polyester Casting Resin .. takes some time to set and with winter setting in at your guys neck of the woods could take days to set but that can be changed with a heater in the room to heat the air but its not a good idea to have in there when your laying the resin ..another way is to add a little bit more hardener ..that will speed things up that can also make it hotter ,,so sometimes slow is the way to go
If you want to know more PM me cause this will take some writing lol
Vlad matey ... your jealous aint ya ???? lol . to get that affect i just waited until the resin was tacky then using a broken piece of balsa wood just dragged it over the top until i got what i was looking for ..cheated and copied a river we have here not far from home ..its shallow and moves damn fast some days ..others its pretty quick but its pretty damn clear to. so since that costumer wanted to be able to see the bed there ya go
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Hawaii, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 11:34 AM UTC
Phill: the first picture scared me a bit as I first thought you had painted stripes down the river. Then I saw the ripples in the next photo and realized it's super-cool. Only suggestion I have is to add some gurgles/bubbling on the downstream side of the obstructions. Some clear silicon would probably do the trick. Looking great!!
Happy Modelling, -zon
"Certainty of death.
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What are we waiting for?"
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 07:51 PM UTC
Hey ya Zon ,, ya i will be doing that ,,just gotta wait for the thing to totally dry and wait for the smell to bugger off .. its still pretty damn smelly right now ..the weather is all over the place so its taking a little while to totally dry .
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 08:04 PM UTC
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 04:51 AM UTC
Hi Phil-I can't believe you went through all that work just for me!!!! thank you, buddy!!!!

I think it will benefit other people too, not just me, cause I couldn't find anything on how to build a dormer lol. Just mail it to me

The buildings look awesome! I'm gonna try to do some walls tonight, see if I can get a handle on it.
the dormer looks like a real pain in the arse...not looking forward to building them, but they will look really good once I'm done!!!! I am going to re-do the music shoppe and make some nicer windows and see about starting some better furniture...never gonna get good at it if I don't actually do it.
So for the brick work in the buildings, you just scribed it in after the plaster was dry?
Thanks again!! You're a lifesaver!
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 09:19 AM UTC
Hey Brandi ... Well believe it!!! lol ,,the problem with these things is that its pretty hard to build one half arsed .if it is built half arsed then it just don't look right and if ya think this one is a annoying one me this is the easy one ..other dormers are night mares to build ,,the angles alone will drive ya nuts but once they are done they can look pretty good ..others just look very wrong .the gable dormer looks right one so many homes ..guess thats why its used so often .,,oh and i did find a web site which will help you with the steps to build a dormer into a all ready built house . will give you the overall idea of how to start the building of your dormer .one way you can cheat

is to show damage ..alot of it ,,that way you only need build half of one ,gives more scope to the dio but also gives people more things to look at
Oh the brick work .. yup just waited till the plaster was bone dry then drew the lines can out comes different sized blades and scribers ,,gives you deeper cuts like the morter has fallen out or ware on the bricks .once you get started you will work out the best technique for you and i am pretty sure you will love the results
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Posted: Friday, November 11, 2011 - 05:52 AM UTC
Cool scratch work!!! What material are the buildings made of? Foam? I know I wasn't supposed to look, but can you blame me!
Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Friday, November 11, 2011 - 10:08 AM UTC
Hi ya Vlad mate ,, those buildings are 100 % plaster of paris .. its easy to make and the results 99% ofthe time turn out pretty good ..easy to do damage too you just have to seal them with a good primer when painting because plaster sucks paint like its going out of fashion . but one thing i did find out is that just painting the plaster with out the primer and with the paint thinned out you can get a very nice flat natural look ,just take a look at the bunker in my dio ,thats how that turned out and i quite like it
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Posted: Friday, November 11, 2011 - 03:35 PM UTC
Hi Phil, great job with the timber. It's fantastic. I like work with wood, the results are very realistc. What are you used? balsa wood
I don't work with balsa wood, because in my city not found to buy. I have to go to São Paulo or other big cities to find.
Anyway.... your woodwork is very pleasure to my eyes. I'll keep following your job. Congratulations
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 09:21 AM UTC
Great progress. One comment is that the long boards you're using on the roof look a bit odd to me. I am not aware of any construction on roofs with that style. I'm used to seeing shingles. I could be wrong (its been known to happen). So if you have research that shows it - keep going. If not I might scribe shingle marks on the slats
Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 09:41 AM UTC
Rodrigo,, Thanks for that matey

to be honest it.s a muck around thing really ,,and Scott is on the money with the roof shingles ..this dormer was built as a example of how one is built and yup the whole thing is made from balsa except for the copper flashing of course lol ..the roof itself is only there to show what one side looks like with the dormer sides in place and part of a roof ..if was going to go the whole hog on it then shingles would be used but it gives the right impression i was looking for ..and Brandi is a pretty smart person but she needed help with the frame work she knows how that part is built ..the rest is up to her ..job is a success and thats all the matters

and since its in 120mm scale the whole house would be huge
I dont have that much space left lol
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 01:40 PM UTC
I was gonna ask you....what's the copper flashing for? I can't figure it out....

Thanks for the tip about the primer on the buildings. I would have gone to airbrush them and been
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 - 02:42 PM UTC
Allo Brandi .. well ok the flashing ..its a water barrier .. when the roof meets the wall is very hard to water proof it ,,the flashing stops the water getting into the joins ..simple as that
I know the voices ain't real but they do come up with some great ideas
Never trust a man who left alone with a tea cozy and doesn't try it on ( Billy Connolly )
Overkill is often very understated