@ Jeff. 3,8 cm is really small. Our cat would quickly classify that as food. Or at least some elaborate kind of bug. It is even smaller then the figures I paint. My hat is off to you.
@ Muhammad
Wouldn't worry too much about that mate. Your figures look pretty good. As does your dio and the vehicle. Love the clutter in the shelter and the figures having a rest there. And the painting and markings of the vehicle is top notch.
@ Jeff T
Neat work on those friuls. Lots of pads to paint but it will definately be worth it when you installl the brand new shoes on your sheridan.
@ Alan
Love the work on the Churchill. Did the Brits already use that silver interior color that early. I remember somewhere that some sources quote it as a late or even post war thing. Still keep in mind I know nothing of brit armor at all. I only quote from memory.
Also quite a cool way to showcase the interior that way. Maybe you could even put a mirror under the turret to show it that way. Otherwise it could be quite hard to view it when it is on that cart. It is pretty hard to think up good ways of showing the interior. I have a lot of vehicles with full interior sets but with showing that stuff you pretty much have 2 options. Halfway in fabrication or an internal explosion blowout.
And thanks for the compliments on the figures.
@ Damon
Neat work on the anti slip surface of your Merk. Comes together more and more. Love it.
@ Jeff S
I think you got the best out of it. It certainly looks like a simplified kit but still Good paintwork and weathering go a long way. Decals are done very well and I like the tools especially the shovel blade with the silvery surface where it was used.
@ Victor.
That base is absolutely awesome. The workmanship and finish so far is very very good. Also great colors. With the figures in it it will look brilliant. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
@ Sean
I have absolutely no clue what I'm looking at. But the workmanship in scratchbuilding is very cool. Looking forward to see this odd vehicle finished.
@ Naseby
You surely ressurected this vehicle. Great job in rebuilding the SdKfz 11 and the paintjob looks terrific. Will look cool once weathered.
@ Mecanix
Simply stunning. Love all the scratchbuilding and the little details. Might have come a long way but look at it. With paint on it will look like the real deal.
I also have a little update on the Steyr 250 project. The 4 marching figures are finished. Sadly no pics of that yet. However I started on the fleshtones of figure 5 and 6 and I spend some time on the electricity pole. I decided to toss away the electricity pole from Mirage. On account of it looking like a toothpick. And decided to see what I had at my parents home. And found there among the lot of derelict projects something from years back. It was a tamiya Electricity pole. it never got finished. So in the light of this campaign I took it with me and finished it. Wires were done with copperwire. And all the painting done with Humbrol and pigments.
Fleshtones of figure 5 and 6
The electricity pole
Details of the electricity pole. The painted markings on the bottom to make it better visible for traffic and the never ending bird crap on top.