@ Damon
Allthough modern armor is not my cup of tea I always appreciate scratchwork. Great job on that Merkava. These tanks always have a bit of a scifi feeling to them.
@ Alan
Great job on that engine so far. Coming together really nicely.
@ Muhammad
That is a cool looking vehicle and you have painted it very well. Love that shade of yellowish green. Will work brilliantly when you are going to weather it.
Forgive me my ignorance if I ask the following question but what is it? When I first saw the pictures I thought it was a warhammer tank with that huge barrel on top but when I saw the trailer I guessed it must be a 1:35 vehicle.
The dio base is already looking pretty cool. Well designed will make for a very attractive endresult.
@ Marc.
Looking forward to the pics. Did you find the steeringwheel? Always annoying when a piece gets MIA.
@ John
Nice built color is indeed a bit too dark but nothing you cannot fix with a bit of respraying.
I got an update as well. As the most important and cheapest part to get my Airbrush in working order again was not in stock I have to wait two more weeks. Really weird that 1 rubber ring is so important for the workings which means I won't be spraying anytime soon and some of my projects for this campaign are on a hold. So I went to one of those bargain shops and bought me a very cheap picture frame. Made a builtup with styrofoam and framed that with styrene.
Added some scenery details like a fence and telegraph pole from Mirage. A tree root. And a goat from Masterbox' Domestic animals set
Then with some spackle for filling the seams between plaster/gypsum boards I layd down a nice thick layer. Sprinkled some birdcage sand over it. Pressed the vehicle in it and with a tire from the scrapbox made ruts
Next up. The appearance of figures. I must have built this set 2 or 3 times through the years. I love it and it is in my opinion one of the best old timey dragon sets. Wehrmacht Infantry Barbarossa 1941. Good details good faces, nice poses.
You might notice I placed the front and back figure with one foot outside the dio. I wanted to create the idea that they were just passing through the scene as part of a longer column.
Aside from these four figures another three will appear as well as the crew of the Steyr stopping for a break during the march. Which will make it the crowdiest dio I ever made 7 figures... 8 if you count the goat