I just noticed this campaign and thought it was a brilliant idea, I have several part done and nearly done models (nothing unusual there, most modellers are the same) and this would be the perfect excuse to get some finished.
Here are a few of the things I will attempt to finish during the next six months....
The MK72 Sd.Kfz.10 Demag...
The Trumpeter Stug III backdated to an A....
The Pegasus 75mm Infantry Gun, just needs painting....
The ICM Sd.Kfz.222....
The Trumpeter Jagdpanther, just needs washes and weathering...
Dragon Elefant, again just needs washes and weathering...
Italeri/Roden Opel Blitz...
This stuff has been in a drawer for longer than I care to admit, I think the oldest build is about 3 years the most recent 9 months. I hope to get a decent amount of them finished for this campaign and will make the usual promise that most modellers make...'I will only start another kit once I have finished this one....'. I know that will end in an epic fail, but you have to try don't you.
All the best,