John, Jeff, Jose and Jason thanks for your kind words lads
there are well appreciated

The exhaust stains are airbrushed with Revell 08 black enamel.
Jose nice to see you here, and a flying start there too. Are you going with the Trumpy camo, or will go for a different scheme?
Alex she's looking cool
John your Neubaufahrzeug is also looking great. You not going to have go at that KV-V1 Battleship are you

Jason great paint job there on the gun and the floor boards are perfect

is that an RB barrel ?
Simon the frigate is looking great, anything for the hanger ?
Maybe a Lynx or something similar.
The final steps on my SU 152:
tools, tow cables and fuel stains:

And a final dusting with Tamiya enamel Buff:

No more mister nice guy

hope you like it.
Jeff thanks for the opportunity to do something different, if you do a KV campaign I shall sure join in on that
Keep em coming lads I shall be watching