A quick update...I'm actually further along than I had expected I would be.
Most of the week was taken up dealing with the horrible tracks. I decided to break it down and do a few links at a time. I had to piece them together because the tracks did not like being cemented together. I actually ended up using tube glue to reinforce the runs of track. I gave them a base coat of dark-dark-gray. I did one side at a time.
Now to the upper hull. The engine deck was got its grilling inserts. I'm glad I added the styrene back-plates underneath.
Engine hatch, tie-downs, and other baubles. The hatch was too large for the opening and required trimming...and more trimming...to fit. You also have to open the holes for the recovery pieces. The grab handle for the hatch was broken and was replaced by a Dragon one from the spares. I also mounted the periscopes to the front but cropped them out of the pictures.
Time to combine the upper and lower hulls. Fit was pretty bad. I clamped the rear and heavily taped the front. There's a big gap on the front where the two pieces meet.
Driver and hull-gunner's hatches. The driver's hatch was broken, but was fixed. Like the engine hatch, the plate for the hatches was too big for the opening. It required a lot of trimming to fit. Watch how much you shave off the plate edges to preserve the bolt detail.
Front hull details. This kit comes designed for two headlights. Driver's visor went on surprisingly well. It actually raises and lowers. It doesn't fit the opening but it does raise and lower.
The kit comes with two flat metal pieces that are supposed to mount atop the two outside periscopes. The problem is that the hatches cannot be opened because they cannot clear these pieces. These pieces are seen on the production Bergpanthers, which do not use the standard hatches.
I googled and found a picture of an early Bergepanther. It didn't have the pieces, so I decided to leave them off.
By the way, the picture is of one of the two two-headlight early bergepanthers. It's towing a Ferdinand so I'm assuming it's from s.Pz.Jag.Abt 654. The markings for this vehicle are included with the kit, though the kit calls for a 3-color scheme whereas the picture looks to be overall dark yellow. It's a neat picture and you can see the bergepanther under full tow load.
And that's where I am at the moment. I might take a break from this one for a few days to work on my piece for the Market Garden Campaign.