More work on the medic today. The harness, shirt and collar areas are now more or less done. I need a bit of profiling and deepening for the harness. Tricky to get a good shot to show what's going on there. The boots were also started. I ended up shaving down the upper wraps and removing the straps, I'll make new ones. The tops were reworked to look like something, laces will be made with stretched sprue. Before I glued the legs, I got the huge undercuts out of the way for the jacket. As you can see a bit of filler will be needed.

I needed to get the legs done up so I can glue the torso on in order to fit the medical bags properly. The left arm has a notch in it to nestle over the bag so a precise fit will be needed. Dry fitting also revealed how much work still needs to be done with the straps, no point in doing what won't be seen.