Update on the braille Sherman.
Paint. Just basic a Olive Drab.
I had a couple of shots of the detail painting. I had painted the wood handles tan but they looked cartoonish. I repainted them with a dark tan but I either forgot to take the pictures or I deleted them thinking they were redundant shots. The darker tan tools blend in a bit more in the pictures.
But here it is with the detail bits painted, a light drybrushing, and the decals. I added length of scrap styrene "board" to the front and placed the two extra roadwheels there. What is supposed to be a tarp was placed on the side rear deck. It helped give it a little personality. Some crates and jerry cans would have been nice, especially since I moved the extra track holders to the sides where they are supposed to go, leaving the stowage rack empty.
And the obligatory posing next to a coin and a larger scale vehicle for size comparison.
And with that I'm calling this one done. It was a so-so build. I don't build this scale and it really didn't wow me. I get there are limitations to work with with this scale. I thought the misplacement of the spare track holders was glaring. I probably wouldn't have built this kit if it wasn't for the campaign.
Anyway, I'll hold off on a gallery picture for now. I'll probably pose the sherman with the Humvees for a group picture for the gallery.
Let's start the Humvee builds. As mentioned this duo is being built for another modelling website as part of a Gulf War Anniversary group build. I'm doing a diorama for that one, but I'll just post the vehicles here due to the deadline for this one here. The Humvees are Academy's M988 Cargo Carrier and the M1025.
Starter pictures. I'm building the two simultaneously.
Both these vehicle are the same when it comes to their frames, suspension, drive-train. I didn't document both vehicles' frames/drivetrains/suspension builds separately. I marked one frame with black dots and jumped back and forth.
This is the M1025,no black dots, parts removed and ready for assembly.
Suspension coils added. Axle units assembled.
Axle units added.
Suspension arms added. Fit was great. This is the M998, note the black dots.
Both sub-assemblies posed together.
Drivetrains, fuel tanks, exhausts.
I went ahead and painted the underside of the bodies, the frames, and drive-trains.
A little better shot after the parts dried.
And the bits all mounted to the body.
So now the builds become more individual. I began work on the cab and bed of the M998. You can see another M998 I built last year as a tow vehicle for a M102 howitzer. The reason is to test and check a few things for the diorama aspect. I won't go in to detail on that.
Anyway, the sidewalls for the bed were added. As were the shifters, the rear, and the insert cover for the transmission hump.
The M1025's turn. Shift levers and the rear added. The gunner's step added. The hitches are there for both but you cannot see them.
Anyway, until next update.