The camouflage pattern comes from:
First i tried to draw the pattern with a pencil. I did that on one side of the car. Then i brush-painted the colors. This didn't cover well. So after 2 layers i decided there had to be a better way. Since the camo-colors have a black demarcation line between them, i thought i could just airbrush them on. A little overspray wouldn't be too hard to cover up with the black line. This didn't turn out very well. I overestimated my airbrush skills a bit. That and Mig's ammo didn't fire from my gun as well as i thought it would

In the end, i just masked the pattern with kneadable eraser. This worked remarkably well. The yellow took about an hour to mask and 15 minutes to spray. The grey took half an hour to mask and about 10 minutes to spray. On a positive note, it built up my confidence with this masking procedure a lot

For the demarcation lines i used a fine-liner felt pen. In retrospect i should have used the fine one, instead of the medium one. But on the test piece the medium looked better.
The decals (all 2 of them) suffered from age and a very thin carrier film. Never had it happen before, but only one survived. The other sort of disintegrated and couldn't be saved. Ah well, a bit if dust and it won't show. I think...
In the end, i'm not entirely happy with it, but not very disappointed either

So, this is how the little armoured car stands now. The wheels are still loose, the groudwork is unpainted but primed
(which actually looks cool)

And yes: no brown. I read on the Wz. 34 page that the pattern likely consisted of yellow, green and light blue-grey. On the linked page it looked like the camouflage colors used by the French, so i bought those colors and went with it. It looks nice and different

Next up is a light dusting. Then finish the groundwork and the figures. The figures are actually still in black primer. I don't know if all will be done when the campaign ends, but i'm confident the little armoured car is!!