I'll be building ICM's 1/35 Panzerspahwagon P 204 (f). This is a French Panhard 178 Armored Car in German markings. The Germans captured a good number of these and they were pressed into German service. I will refer to this as a "Panhard" throughout the build.
I was debating between this kit and ICM's Zil-131 Soviet Military Truck. I decided to go with the Panhard. I had built the old Al-By offering back in the 90s and it was dated looking even then. At the time, there wasn't much French AFVs to pick from. This will be a good comparison.
Plus, this armored car probably will eventually find a place on what I am building for the I Really Want To Build This Kit Campaign.
Starter picture. The kit has a nice interior and engine. It comes with markings for four vehicles. If I do what I plan, I will probably go with an overall gray vehicle, probably serving as an auxillery vehicle in France. The plan is to have it recaptured by French Resistance....so FFI and the double-cross markings, probably "roughly painted by hand". As an aside, Vichy French vehicles would have had dual MGs instead of the 25mm gun and coax MG.
Vehicle floor and underside. Posed it next to the Al-By Panhard.
Vehicle floor, engine, and drivers' stations basically assembled. Very nice details. I prepainted as much as I could as I went. The cooling fan mount is a bit delicate.
The Panhard had two drivers' stations...one up front and one in the rear. Funny little note, for the actual Panhard 178 it took longer to construct the turret than it did the chassis.
Painting. The bulk of the interio was painted white. Engine compartment areas were painted medium green. The rest of the painting is basic. I drybrushed and dirtied up the interior.
Note the leafsprings are molded onto the hull side panels. This is a bit different, but it works well.
Started putting the body panels on. Fit was okay. A couple places will need some attention before paint.
Added the rear stowage boxes on the rear fenders. There is a metal piece on each front fender. They look like they could be used to store stuff.
The suspension and drive shafts are simplified. As mentioned, the leafsprings are molded to the side body panels. The differentials are quick and easy, but you'll have to note that the front axle needs to be mounted to the leafsprings first, then add the differential. Other suspension bits fit well.
And that's where I am now. I'll start on the turret next. So far, I am very pleased with this kt and how it is building up.