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Hey guys,
I started a Monster Scenes Feral Cat 1/13 build for the last Big Cats Campaign a year ago, but I didn’t get very far. Would it be acceptable if I picked up the x-acto again and finished it, its cage, accessories, etc. for “Big Cats V”?
Happy New Year!
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Tim, feel free to join sir.
Thanks Dustin!
For those who didn’t see my aborted progress on “Big Cats IV” in 2016, here’s a re-post:
I have an F4F Wildcat, an M-18 Hellcat tank destroyer, a PzKw. Tiger, even an Aichi “Jake” floatplane on a cat-apult in the stash...

...but I thought this big 1/13 scale Monster Scenes Feral Cat might be a fun change of pace for the “Big Cats” campaign!
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Has whoever did that box cover even seen a cat? That is not a cat's head by any stretch. Looks more like a rat.
You are right! Part of this feral creature's twisted story is told in a small comic that came with the kit:

At only nine parts (the body halves, haunches, a 2-part head, ears, and tail) the feral cat assembled quickly.

The kit was designed with a twist-on head that could be swapped with a companion piece (a Saber Tooth Rabbit no less!), but this feature left an obvious seam at the neck. I cemented everything in place and faired in the gaps with Milliput two-part epoxy putty.
There was a little putty left after filling the cat’s joints, so I used it to make an extra artifact to place inside the nasty cat’s cage for additional “atmosphere”: