Some nice builds.
Time for an update of my own build. It's been a while so a refresher...I'm building Trumpeter's M1a1/A2 5-in-1 kit. I planned on building it as a M1a2 in the sand/white winter scheme, possibly with the mine roller.
The winter scheme is a no-go. The picture I have shows an Abrams with the un-armored smoke launchers and the TUSK cupola. This isn't a kit I want to invest added money in so I'll just build it as a Iraq theater Abrams. I paid $23 for the kit and bought it mainly for the mine I'm looking to keep this build casual.
I had started with the lower hull and suspension. I went ahead and pre-painted the lower hull with rattle-can. I painted the roadwheels. They are held on with poly center caps. It was pretty normal

The rear...again not alot of special here. I included this shot for one reason...the kit calls for this APU. This works for the M1a1, but for the M1a2 you'd want the stowage rack version. The it includes this version but refers to it as a tool box. So if you follow the directions you'll have two APUs on the A2.

Upper hull is pretty simple. One thing Trumpy did here was mold the side skirts to the upper hull. Academy did this with their K1a1. I don't hate it, but it throws off how I typically build. I usually add skirts last.

Some turret details...the 120mm gun (the kit has two versions), turret storage boxes, and turret APU. There's also four ammo stowage cases.

More turret stuff. The stowage boxes are placed according to the mounts you attach. There's some variance in this so you kind of have to work with it. Mine are off a bit.This bit definitely needed location pins and holes.
The kit comes with open vision blocks. They want you to insert punched clear sheeting. The kit provides two sheets but it's that oily type Trumpy has always included.

Turret with more details added. The stowage rack was a bit warped. They want you to use nylon mesh for the bottom. As an aside, the antenna mounts are horrible. I'll see if I can find replacements in the spares.
Oh yeah, the smoke grenade boxes are crooked if you go with the kit's location holes.

The kit comes with length&link as well as rubberband track sets. Both have the same solid rubber pad pattern. I should have went with the L&L tracks but at this point I wanted to get this one done. Most of the track isn't going to be visible anyway and I have a use for the L&L set for another build.
The rubberband tracks are too long and fit really loose. I tightened them by two lengths, and stapled them. The staples will be hidden behind the skirts.
By the way, the drive sprockets fit badly. I had to drill them out to get them to fit.

The weather was nice so I went ahead and painted the base coats of paint. I went grey primer with three light coats of sand.
After sitting overnight I went ahead and added the tracks and cemented the upper and lower hulls. I probably should have waited on'll make painting the tracks a bit more of a pain.

I still have to finish up, weather it, etc. but I can say that this kit isn't great. It's a collection of bits from several of their Abrams kits...which go back to 2003. Parts of this kit were used for Hobbycraft's Abrams.
It's typical of those early Trumpy kits but it also shows promise...sort of. I'm trying to be positive, but it's sort of a mediocre kit. There are parts that just don't look right. I put it up next to two other Abrams (Academy & Dragon) and they are all different.
The kit does come with alot of extra parts...which seems right for a 5-in-1 kit. I build alot of what-if so I'll use these. And I might be setting myself up for disappointment, but the plow and mine roller both look promising.
So next update will probably be the last. I've got to dig out some stowage to mask some of the turret fit issues. Besides... like a Sherman,an Abrams doesn't look right without stowage. And of course, finishing the paint.