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So cool scrolling down this page & seeing how you just keep on upping the quality-meter, well into the red (or should that be green?) zone already. I agree with Ski, make a basic replica of the stream section (using exactly the same materials you’ve used) and do trials on that. Make it so you can do at least two trials & make whatever mistakes there so you’ll have the confidence of experience for the real thing. I know I would, having never attempted water before either
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the kind feedback, not so sure about the quality meter when compared to you guys, . I know that you and Ski are almost certainly right about practicing on a mock-up, but I have the patience of a gnat, and the financial tightness of a wallet full of moths, so I'm afraid it'll be sink or swim...no pun intended...with this one, if it works, great, if it doesn't, well, there's always the bin of failures, .
Thanks again, and cheers, ,