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"Show Your Teeth" Official Thread (part 2)
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 07:23 AM UTC
Good for you, Jean-Luc! I was talking with Frank about next year's 12 hour build and setting up a web-cam. We could make it an international event!

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 08:04 AM UTC
I think Jean-Luc has passed out! Probably a mixture of MEK and varsol fumes! :-)
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Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 09:26 AM UTC
Pas si vite mon ami! :-)

Ok, I must confess that I thought of giving up around 02:00 in the night but I said to myself "don't let this piece of plastic win!" "don't let this piece of plastic win!" "don't let this piece of plastic win!" "don't let this piece of plastic win!" "don't let this piece of plastic win!" Errr... I think I better go to bed now...

Good night!

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Idaho, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 10:28 AM UTC
What a build Jean-Luc!

Lets see right now you know we need one of the little emoticon for sleeping. Hello (echo, echo, echo) Jean-Luc sleepy Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z................Well deserved rest for you. Who is going to try and beat his time ???

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 11:39 AM UTC

My plane................25 days
Your plane................21 hours

Life is not fair. Clanky can build a beautiful plane in 12 hours. Jean-Luc can build an equally beautiful plane in 21 hours. I'm going to keep practicing until some day I'll be able to build and complete a 1/48 aircraft from start to finish in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
.................sorry, I was just thinking out loud. Ya'll didn't hear that did you?

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 02:12 PM UTC
Very impressive Jean-Luc!....a bit more practice and we'll have you down to 12hrs in no time at all.... now get some rest and some fresh air.

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Tekirdag, Turkey / Türkçe
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 03:50 PM UTC
Hi all,
As an armor modeller I started to build my Monogram's A-10 thunderbold. This is my third aircraft if you count my others builded almost 15 years ago when I was just a kid.. I see that this aircraft building is more challenging then I guessed, so my respects for you all aircraft modellers..

The kit is an old one which I've found between the afv and figure kits on a dusty shelf..

Jean-Luc, your P-40 job is great but your effort to tell us its building story is greater..

I'll be back with building progres pictures again
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Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 05:29 PM UTC
Hi all!

Wampum, welcome aboard! you can start a "competition" with MightyRhinox to be the first to finish an A-10. It's about time one is added to the list!

About the 24 hour "Marathon" build, well, thank you for the nice comments but it was not really a great performance! 12 hours to build a kit is extraordinary, but 21 hours... As Frank said, you better have to be prepared (I wasn't obviously ) I really was curious if technically, it was possible to build a kit in such a short time. Thanks to acrylic paint's fast drying time, it is! I also found out that you have to get fast to the painting stage to save time rather than working on detail parts. Using the Blu-Tac "sausage" technique for the camouflage wasn't time saving neither! Anyway it was a fun experience... completely useless and without scientific interest but highly enjoyable! :-)
Steve, thank you for the invitation... but I think I have to practice a bit! For your next 12 hour build I will choose a 1/48 Barricade and Brick Wall set from Tamiya. Should be a lot easier!
Brian, If you want to break the "record", go for it! You'll see, it's eazzzzz Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z...
Hermon, If you spent 1 hour a day on your model, you built it as fast as I did... in working time. And about building one in 2 minutes and 30 seconds... maybe Wonder Woman's invisible plane! :-)8
One last question for you Frank: is your Spitfire "officialy" finished? Can I put it in the "Landed" zone? you said there was still some detail work to do...

I'll update the status pictures tomorrow I think.

Thanks again all for your participation!

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England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 06:10 PM UTC
just caught up with this thread, at the minute i'm supposed to be decorating our bedroom but the computers in the corner, i'm having a spot of dinner and could'nt resist the entertainment on armorama courtesy of jean-luc (as usual!)
guys, it seems a certain huey pilot needs to be given orders to land asap, and whats the longest time to build a kit *cough merlin, cough* :-)
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 06:44 PM UTC
I'll post my completed Spitfire photos tomorrow.

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Idaho, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 11:29 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Brian, If you want to break the "record", go for it! You'll see, it's eazzzzz Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z...

Jean Luc,

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) No way! While I might be crazy, no wait insane, my two and half y/o son would never allow me that kind of time. What exactly is 4400? I'm kinda TV ignorant.
As far as the build goes I'll take your word for it as H***.
I would rather drag a hoseline into a burning building than go through what you did.

All the best,

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England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, March 03, 2006 - 11:59 PM UTC
Jean Luc
Firstly,,congratulations on a very fine P40.
Second,,,,ARE YOU INSANE????
And finally,,I read in your profile that you have 190 kits in your stash and intend to build them all.
What are you going to do when youve built them all in 7 months??? :-)
Maybe a "build your stash" campaign is required?
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 12:48 AM UTC
Well done Jean-Luc you, mad Frenchman :-) . That is one fine looking P-40 you have there. So what will your next marathon build be, and i did notice that you skipped breakfast twice :-) . There's nothing like a good English breakfast to set you up for the day :-).
How do you cut out stencils for the numbers, because every time i try ( especially with curves ) it goes wrong and messy ?
Andy (++)
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Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 12:49 AM UTC
Hi all!

:-) I probably won't do that again in the near future... I'm walking around like a zombie today but I managed to clean my working room... it took me an hour!

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Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 12:59 AM UTC

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How do you cut out stencils for the numbers, because every time i try ( especially with curves ) it goes wrong and messy ?

Hi Andy!

For the stencils I used Tamiya masking tape. I put two layers on a small glass panel and cut out the number using a new X-Acto knife. This way I made two stencils with one cut! applying them wasn't that difficult as the curvature of the fuselage isn't that important were the numbers are...

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 01:08 AM UTC
Thanks Jean-Luc, i will try that. Cutting the stencil on glass is the answer to my problems.
Andy (++)
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 03:04 AM UTC
Hi Jean-Luc,

My Spitfire is finally completed, but I'm unable to download the photos as Armorama's gallery is temporarily shut down. Wil post them as soon as they let me.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 05:19 AM UTC
Well I just finished up today, boy did I like doing this one. I can only post two pics due to the gallery being serviced. I will post more early next week. If I'm able to find more time in-between my other campaign builds, I'd like to build another "tooth" helicopter...a Huey.

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 05:29 AM UTC
Wow Joe, that is one mean looking helo.
What do you use for the rotor tie-downs ?
Andy (++)
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Idaho, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 08:33 AM UTC
Hi Joe,

Very nice Cobra "With nasty sharp pointy teeth" I as well think the rotor tie downs are very effective. I've never seen that on a model before, nice touch.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 08:47 AM UTC
Thanks Andy and Brian,
The rotor straps were made from tracing paper. I painted both side with Tamiyas flat red and cut them into 3/16'' strips. The hardwere used are from the spare parts box, old racing seat belt harness.
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Tekirdag, Turkey / Türkçe
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 03:18 PM UTC

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Wampum, welcome aboard! you can start a "competition" with MightyRhinox to be the first to finish an A-10. It's about time one is added to the list

Thanks Jean Luc, but I can't get in a competion. First of all I'm not an aircraft builder and it is really a new work for me. Secondly I'm building some other models meanwhile and thirdly my 5 month old boy is a really time killer for me .. So I can promis just to finish this project at time.. It is nice to be a part of this campaign and that's enough for me
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Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 07:44 PM UTC
Hi all!

Thank you all for the efforts you are making for this Campaign!
Joe, your model looks just great! I love the design of the teeth. It's always a pleasure to see the little "add-ons" wich make your builds so special... a real Artist's signature!
Frank and Roderick I can't wait to see your finished pictures! I worked on the new status pictures but can't upload them due to the gallery maintenance. Hope you will find time to upload them.
Alguhan, no rush... there's still plenty of time. We didn't even reached the middle of the Campaign!

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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 01:52 AM UTC
The photo gallery is still down. I'll post the completed photos tomorrow. Jean-Luc, you've given me the motivation to build a second entry. Steve (Idiotstick) has found some toothy decals for my Defiant MkI. Will start it soon.
