Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 12:54 PM UTC
Vladimir Demchenko kindly informed us about the upcoming kits of BRAVO-6.

As always 1/35 scale, sculpted in crisp details and resin cast.

  • B6-35090 is a two-figure kit of a Vietnam War USMC two-man Sniper Team with a shooter and spotter.

  • B6-35084 is a weapons set of Stoner 63 machine gun. There will be 4 guns inside the kit - 2 pieces for two different Stoners ; carbine version with box magazine and machine gun version with drum magazine . Ammo belts and some other parts will be photoetched.
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    It is no surprise: brilliant job again!!
    MAY 17, 2016 - 08:13 PM
    Just when I promised SWMBO that the last Bravo 6 figures I bought would be the LAST......brilliant work and as soon as the USMC sniper team turn up in my figure shop of choice.....THEY SHALL BE MINE!!!!
    MAY 17, 2016 - 08:51 PM
    marine snipers second to none.
    MAY 18, 2016 - 03:16 AM
    Excellent job with this set of a Marine Sniper Team, Vladi. I like the fact that you included a spotter and I like that the cuffs of his sleeves are not buttoned up. The snipers shooting position is good to go, too.
    MAY 18, 2016 - 07:05 AM
    Ok im going to nit pick here. It is the Stoner 63 that is bugging me as it wasn't issued to regular troops but to people like the navy seals. The figures look to be well executed but I find the soft hat to be out of tune with the body armour on the spotter figure. Oh and the longest recorded sniper kill was made by a British soldier, Sgt Craig Henderson at a range in excess of 2150 yards. Thus putting Marine Corp snipers in second place. Hope this helps
    MAY 19, 2016 - 02:02 AM
    Nice!! Vladi strikes again with another awesome and well-researched sculpt. Instant Khe Sanh or A Shau Valley vignette... Just add foliage. Always thought the Stoner was just pure cool! Surprised to see it show up on the "Quantum Leap" TV show many moons ago. Maybe we'll see one of those 3-shot SEAL grenade launchers soon. Keep 'em coming, Vladi!!
    MAY 19, 2016 - 08:02 AM
    US GIs and Marines are notorious (read: "resourceful") for picking up "non-standard"-issue arms and anything else you might want to point your finger at, making the Stoner 63 in this figure set a "moot point". Also, many US Ground Troops serving in Vietnam weren't very impressed with the M16, (at least, initially), so there were still quite a few of them that went out and got themselves a more "dependable" weapon, i.e, an M14, Stoner 63, or even an AK-47. The problem with the M16 was that it was initially manufactured with it's internal tolerances being "too tight" for combat conditions, i.e, dust, mud, etc, making it jam at the most inopportune times. Tooling was changed at the factories, ("looser" internal tolerances) and the M16 gradually became more acceptable with the combat troops...
    MAY 19, 2016 - 03:20 PM
    Guys, the news story says the Stoner is B6-35084, a separate weapon set consisting of four machine guns. As far as I can tell, the weapon is not included in the sniper set. Mario
    MAY 19, 2016 - 03:28 PM
    I guess I'll nit pick too- supposedly the longest recorded sniper kill is by a Brit, but you've got his name and range wrong- his name is Craig Harrison of the Household Cavalry and his shot was just over 2700 yards. I say 'supposedly' because I've read reports an un-named sniper from Australia beat this record with a shot just over 3000 yards. However, one of the longest shots ever recorded and for a while the record holding shot, was made by USMC Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock who made a 2500yard kill while serving in Vietnam- the remarkable thing about this was it was not with a sniper rifle (like other record holders) but with a 50.caliber machine gun mounted with a Unertl scope. In any case these are very fine figures by Vlad. I hope one day he actually does Gunnery Sergeant Hathcock with the famous 50.cal- that would be awesome. But still, these figures are particularly nice and as others have mentioned- perfect for a pretty much 'instant' Vietnam scene. As someone else also said, its nice to see the M14 making an appearance too!
    MAY 19, 2016 - 03:55 PM

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