Sean, I would never suppose your truck was broken - I don't see anything of the damage!
I was busy during the last weeks - off-site trainings for the job, searching for a new bike.... all that stuff the keeps you away from the working table.
What is changed on the diorama - well, its more messy than before!
The road is dirty, waste sits in the corners, that kind of messy...
What is missing to call it ready?
Well, one or two figures, some smaller details, nothing really important.
Until when does it have to be finished - end of August?
Here the new pictures (a lot of them!)
Overview from a high viewpoint:
Details of the walker and the Jeep:
The guys which are hiding behind the street corner:
The guy on the roof with the RPG (there might be a second figure up there - he will not have played Backgammon against himself):
And the backside of the walker and the two guys who are hiding behind the door:
And last - but not least - the inside of the rooms (and the back view of the diorama):
That's it for now - the next pictures will be the finalized diorama...