Thanks a lot Guy! But now the holidays are over and here I start The Womb
2009 has been the year of Sweden at castle André. So I should model Swedish shouldn't I?
Well nope. I will model American. Again
sooo Ctulhu, Winona, Scarlett, Tim Burton, Sonic Youth, the nice number of people from this country visiting my website.. ah I start to feel better about this already
Contrary to my previous SBS here, this diorama has got enough firepower to wreck a good dozen SUVs in a few seconds, this is going to please some!
However some of you will NOT like it, simply because there will be blood in this diorama, and I know how sensible are some model makers who constantly seem to forget the final aim of what they model, oh well, blood comes at the end of the work
In that SBS I will also have to buy some stuff online, and what a bloody wallet of wasps are those online modelling things retailers, only trouble so far from 2 different ones
One last thing, as usual I have ONE idea, which means that I didn't really thought twice of HOW I would do some of the things I intend to do. Which means that at one point I might put it in the dustbin if I realize I jumped a bridge too far -and You will get all my apologizes if this happens.
enough rant, a good diorama starts with a few hours on the computer designing a bit photoetch fret, now can anyone tell what THIS is?